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ASNO 2012 : The 9th Meeting of Asian Society for Neuro-Oncology


When Apr 20, 2012 - Apr 22, 2012
Where Taipei, Taiwan
Submission Deadline Feb 28, 2012
Notification Due Mar 15, 2012
Categories    neuro-oncology   epidemiology   radiation oncology   high grade glioma

Call For Papers

Dear ASNO colleagues:

Welcome to the ASNO meeting in Taipei, Taiwan, on April 20-21, 2012. It’s an exciting moment for neuro-oncology as ASNO continues to grow. We are dedicated to presenting new information and are open to new ideas.

Our goal is to meet and bring people together to ensure our profession remains at the cutting edge. The 2012 ASNO program will feature popular and informative special lectures, plenary sessions, poster sessions as well as educational courses focusing on neuropathology.

We encourage you to submit your abstract to make this a great conference and to enjoy the beautiful city of Taipei.

Taipei, the capital of Taiwan, is a city blended with traditions and modern fascinations. You can explore ancient Chinese culture as well as productions of high technology. The venue, Taipei International Conference Center, is within a short five minute walk to the world famous 101 Tower. From there, you get a panoramic view of the city and enjoy luxury restaurants and fashion shopping. Plenty of interesting social activities are around this vibrant area. The proximity and variety will make your stay pleasant and memorable.

I am looking forward to your participation in the 2012 ASNO meeting and the sharing of ideas in the advances of neruo-oncology. I encourage you to register online and make plans to join the conference. My personal respect and thanks go out to each of you.


Ham-min Tseng, M.D.


Taiwan Society of Neuro-Oncology

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