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SIGKDD Exhibits 2012 : KDD 20212 Call For Exhibits


When Aug 12, 2012 - Aug 16, 2012
Where Beijing, China
Submission Deadline Jul 8, 2012
Categories    data mining   database   machine learning   knowledge discovery

Call For Papers

The annual ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining is the leading forum for data mining researchers and practitioners to explore cutting-edge ideas and exchange techniques, tools, products and experiences. The information about the conference this year can be found at

Exhibiting at the Conference offers many opportunities to distribute/market products, services, and company literature, to give demonstrations and to carry out recruitment activities. The details regarding exhibiting at the Conference are as follows:

Specially tiered pricing structure for general non-sponsoring exhibiting companies, governments, non-profit research organizations, publishers, and one day rates for "Start-Up" companies.
Benefits of being an Exhibitor:
A booth based on the price schedule above
One complimentary registration for one person manning the booth
Reduced exhibitor registration fee for all others manning the booth
One company logo on the conference web site (in the exhibitor section)
Ability to include a flyer or CD in conference bag for an additional fee
Booth allocations will be made on July 8th, 2012. Every company that has signed up as a sponsor or a general exhibitor by that date will be allocated a booth using the following rules:
Sponsors will be allocated a booth before General Exhibitors.
First preference for booth location provided to Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze, and KDD Cup sponsors in that order.
General exhibiting companies and "Start-Up" companies will receive higher priority than non-profit research organizations/publishers for booth allocation.
Ties will be broken on a first-come-first basis.
Companies that sign up after July 8th, 2012 as a sponsor or an exhibitor will be assigned booths from the remaining set of booths on a first come first basis.
Exhibitors will be responsible for bringing all hardware and software required for their exhibits. Some equipment (powerstrips, etc.) may be available for an additional charge.

Information on previous KDD conferences can be obtained at the following web sites:

A complete list of the yearly KDD conferences run over the past 20 years:

For further details, please contact the Demo/Exhibits Chairs, at

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