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KES-AMSTA 2013 : 7th International KES Conference on Agents and Multi-agent Systems - Technologies and Applications


Conference Series : Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications
When May 27, 2013 - May 29, 2013
Where Hue City, Vietnam
Submission Deadline Jan 20, 2013
Notification Due Feb 14, 2013
Final Version Due Feb 28, 2013
Categories    multi-agent systems

Call For Papers

7th International KES Conference on Agents and Multi-agent Systems - Technologies and Applications
27-29 May 2013
Hue City, Vietnam


KES-AMSTA-2013 is an international scientific conference for research in the field of agent and multi-agent systems. The aim of the conference is to provide an internationally respected forum for scientific research in the technologies and applications of agent and multi-agent systems.

Agents and multi-agent systems are related to a modern software paradigm which has long been recognized as a promising technology for constructing autonomous, complex and intelligent systems. This conference will provide an excellent opportunity for researchers to discuss modern approaches and techniques for agent and multi-agent systems and their applications.

The conference will consist of keynote talks, oral and poster presentations, invited sessions and workshops, on the technologies and applications of agent and multi-agent systems, as well as intelligent systems in the field of social networks, self-organisation and trust. It will provide excellent opportunities for the presentation of interesting new research results, modern approaches and discussion about them, leading to knowledge transfer and generation of new ideas.


Agent Systems
Formal models of agency. Agent architectures. BDI architecture. Learning, evolution, and adaptation. Perception and action. Communication: languages, semantics, pragmatics, protocols, and conversations. Knowledge representation Computational complexity. Autonomous or humanoid robots. Social robots and robot teams. Autonomy aspect. Cognitive models, including emotions and philosophies. Embodied and believable agents. Emergent behaviour. Ontologies.

Multi-agent Systems
Cooperative distributed problem solving. Task and resource allocation. Mechanism design, auctions, and game theory. Modelling other agents and self. Multi-agent planning. Negotiation protocols. Multi-agent learning. Conflict resolution. Trust and reputation management. Privacy, safety and security. Scalability, robustness and dependability. Social and organizational structures. Verification and validation. Novel computing paradigms (autonomic, grid, P2P, ubiquitous computing). Brokering and matchmaking. Agent-oriented software engineering, including implementation languages and frameworks. Mobile agents. Per-formance, scalability, robustness, and dependability. Verification and validation. E-business agents. Pervasive computing. Privacy, safety, and security.

Tools and Applications
Simulation systems. Web services and service-oriented computing. Artificial social systems. Autonomic computing. Case studies and reports on deployments. Computational infrastructures. Information retrieval. Web services and semantic web. E-learning sys-tems. E-institutions. E-commerce.


KES-AMSTA-2013 is organised by KES International and Hue University, Vietnam. The conference will take place in Hue City, one of the most prominent tourist destinations in Vietnam. Hue City is a city with a unique political and cultural history (the imperial capital of Vietnam, the Nguyen Dynasty, from 1802-1945), and world famous monumental heritage and beauty (inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List). It is located in the middle of Vietnam, and in the World Heritage Road of Vietnam.


Lakhmi C. Jain, University of South Australia, Australia - KES Founder and Honorary Chair
Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland - General Chair
Manh Thanh Le, Hue University, Vietnam - General Chair
Dariusz Barbucha, Gdynia Maritime University, Poland - Programme Chair
Linh A. Nguyen, Warsaw University, Poland - Special Session Chair
Huu Hanh Haong, Hue University, Vietnam - Organizing Chair
Robert J. Howlett, KES International & Bournemouth University, UK - Executive Chair


Submission of Papers: 20 January 2013 (extended, hard deadline)
Notification of Acceptance: 14 February 2013
Upload of Final Publication Files: 28 February 2013
Conference: 27-29 May 2013


The conference proceedings will be published by IOS Press as book chapters in the Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence and Applications (FAIA) series, indexed in SciVerse Scopus, ACM Digital Library, DBLP, Google Scholar and Zentralblatt MATH, and in previous years in ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index, CPCi (T-R decides on a year by year basis which conferences to index).



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