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Science and Society GSC 2012 : Science and Society Graduate Student Conference: Viva la Revolución? Contributions of Science to Emerging movements, mobilization, and Progressive Social Change


When May 11, 2012 - May 12, 2012
Where UNB Saint John, NB, Canada
Submission Deadline Jan 31, 2012
Categories    science   applied science   engineering

Call For Papers

The Science and Society Graduate Student Conference, sponsored by the University of New Brunswick in Saint John, welcomes proposals from graduate students from all disciplines in science, applied science and engineering.
We are currently accepting abstracts for oral and poster presentations that deal with a wide range of topics and approaches, but given our theme for this year’s conference, we specifically encourage proposals for papers on the relevance of scientific research for social movements, the relationship between science and religion, science research impacts on domestic or international politics, and the role of science education in fostering social change.
You are invited to submit a 250 word abstract for a 15-20 minute paper and a CV to
In the body of your e-mail please include your name, contact information, institutional affiliation, and a brief biographical statement. The deadline for submissions is January 31, 2012.
Location: The UNB Saint John campus (UNBSJ) is located in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada. Overlooking the Kennebecasis River, UNBSJ's 252-acre woodland campus plays host to a large International student body and prides itself on being a small campus with big achievements. For more information about our campus, please visit our Faculty of Science, Applied Science and Engineering webpage at

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