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ADMC 2012 : Salford Analytics and Data Mining Conference


When May 24, 2012 - May 25, 2012
Where Courtyard San Diego Old Town
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    biostatistics   financial services   targeted marketing   pharmaceuticals

Call For Papers

Benefits of Speaking

1. Waived conference registration fee.
2. An opportunity to participate fully in the conference and network with industry professionals, academics and consultants.
3. Discounted pre-conference training.

Requirements and Criteria

Review of the submitted proposals will be based on the following:

Speaking Requirements

1. A 50-minute presentation, keeping in mind there will be a 10-minute question and answer portion at the end of the presentation.
2. One speaker per presentation (multiple presenters not accepted).
3. Willingness to alter a presentation for the attending audience and to accept direction from the ADMC organizers in doing so.
4. Willingness to participate in press interviews with attending media personnel (should your employer prefer the company name not be released we will accommodate this request).
5. Final presentation slides must be submitted by April 12, 2012 (six weeks before the conference).

Presentation Content

1. Real-world business topics, with technical content included -OR-
2. High-quality academic work geared to real-world situations.
3. Applications reports, case studies, best practice examples, emerging topics and tutorials with practice-orientation.

Speaker Expertise

1. Presenters must have demonstrated speaking experience.
2. Speaking references are not required but are encouraged.
3. Potential speakers may be interviewed by ADMC organizers over the phone.

Submission Process

Please provide the following information in a Word attachment and submit to

1. Contact information: Full name, academic degree, position title, organization, work address, telephone, fax, e-mail and Twitter.
2. Bio: In 200 words or less, share your professional, academic and data mining experience with the conference attendees and participants.
3. Presentation title.
4. Anticipated attendee level of experience needed. (1-3, 1 being beginner and 3 being advanced).
5. Abstract: A 200-word abstract including the topic, application and software being presented. Your abstract should answer the listener's basic questions: "What will I learn from this presentation?" It's important that you describe in as much detail as possible what will cover in your presentation.
6. Speaking experience: Please list your relevant speaking experience, and include speaking references with referrer's name, email and phone if desired

Related Resources

PRICAI 2025   22nd Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
IEEE CNCIT 2025   2025 4th International Conference on Networks, Communications and Information Technology (CNCIT 2025)
ICDM 2025   The 25th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining
DATA ANALYTICS 2025   The Fourteenth International Conference on Data Analytics
FPC 2025   Foresight Practitioner Conference 2025
ISKE 2025   The 20th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering (ISKE 2025)
Ei/Scopus-ITNLP 2025   2025 5th International Conference on Information Technology and Natural Language Processing (ITNLP 2025)
ICCNS--EI 2025   2025 15th International Conference on Communication and Network Security (ICCNS 2025)
Ei/Scopus-CVCM 2025   2025 6th International Conference on Computer Vision, Communications and Multimedia(CVCM 2025)
BDIOT--EI 2025   2025 9th International Conference on Big Data and Internet of Things (BDIOT 2025)