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IS-MiS 2012 : International Symposium on Management Intelligent Systems


When Jul 11, 2012 - Jul 13, 2012
Where Salamanca, Spain
Submission Deadline Jan 31, 2012
Notification Due Mar 15, 2012
Final Version Due Apr 1, 2012
Categories    management   intelligent systems   marketing   data mining

Call For Papers

This symposium is thought to be the first international forum to present and discuss original, rigorous and significant contributions on Artificial Intelligence-based (AI) solutions—with a strong, practical logic and preferably with empirical applications—developed to aid the management of the organizations at any of their multiple areas, activities, processes and decisional problems; i.e., what we propose to be named as Management intelligent Systems (MiS).

Artificial Intelligence discipline offers real opportunities for advancing the analytical methods and systems used by organizations to aid their inside and outside managerial processes and decisions. Indeed, well-conceived and designed intelligent systems are expected to outperform operations research- or statistical-based supporting tools in complex, qualitative and/or difficult-to-program managerial problems and decisional scenarios. However, these opportunities still need to be truly materialized by researchers and practitioners. Therefore, more interdisciplinary and applied contributions are necessary for this promising research stream to really take off.

Accepted papers will be included in the IS-MiS Proceedings, published in the Advances in Intelligent and Soft-Computing series of Springer. Furthermore, selected, expanded refereed papers from the symposium would be part of a Special Section of the JCR-indexed Expert Systems with Applications (ISI impact factor 1.924).

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