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ICAM 2012 : 19th Annual International Conference on Advances in Management


When Jul 18, 2011 - Jul 21, 2011
Where Nassau, Bahamas
Abstract Registration Due Feb 1, 2011
Submission Deadline Feb 15, 2011
Categories    knowledge management   organizatinal learning   management

Call For Papers

Announcing the joint conference of the
19th Annual International Conference on Advances in Management
-and the-
5th Annual International Conference on Social Intelligence

July 18-21, 2012,
Nassau, Bahamas
Conference location:

Sheraton Nassau Beach Resort
West Bay Street
Nassau, Bahamas N-4914

Submission Deadline:

Papers must be RECEIVED by

February 15, 2012
ICAM Program Theme

Recent advances in the theory and research in management and administration.
ICAM Program Objectives

To encourage scholars to share their theory, research, and experience on management and administration.
To provide effective managerial responses to environmental challenges of the 2000s and beyond.
To provide a forum for exchange of information between management scholars and practitioners.

ICSI Program Theme

Advances in the theory, research, and practice in emotional, social, and cognitive intelligences.
ICSI Program Objectives

To encourage scholars to share their theory, research, and experience in emotional, social, and cognitive intelligences.
To provide effective responses to leadership challenges of the 21st century.
To provide a forum for exchange of information between scholars and practitioners on the relationships of intelligence to management and leadership.

Submission Information for the ICAM & ICSI
Papers, Symposia, and Workshops

You are invited to submit a 1200–1500 word (about 4 double spaced typed pages) summary of your paper and/or proposal for a symposium(s) for review to one of the Tracks at the ICAM submission website. Each submission should include the name, affiliation, phone, fax, and email of each author. Symposium proposals must include a statement of objectives and a two-page summary of each presentation.
Submission and Review Procedures

Submissions must be RECEIVED by February 15, 2012. A double-blind review process will evaluate all submissions. Papers should not have been presented or published elsewhere prior to the conference and you are restricted to three submissions.
Program Organization

The meeting will be organized around ten tracks and will feature competitive and invited paper sessions, symposia, and workshops designed to share ideas and research findings. Innovative sessions are encouraged, as are research and theory targeted toward practitioners.

Summaries of papers, symposia, and workshops presented at the conference (ICAM & ICSI) will be published in the Proceedings. Selected papers will be published in Current Topics in Management, Vol. 17. If you want your paper to be considered for publication in CTM, please send it as an attached file in Word with an email to the President.
Submission Link

To submit your papers, please visit:
President for Life
Dr. Afzal Rahim
Center for Advanced Studies in Management

Dr. Phyllis A. Duncan
Our Lady of the Lake University
Vice Presidents

Dr. Abdulazim Mostafa
Ministry of Com & IT, Government of Egypt

Dr. Sajjad M. Jasimuddin
Aberystwyth University, U.K.

Shazia Khalid
University of the Punjab, Pakistan

Dr. Steve (Seungwan) Kang
Yonsei University, South Korea
Hotel Reservation

($160.42 per room which includes 18% tax and a resort fee)

To reserve your room at Sheraton Hotel, enter your own rooming lists & obtain immediate confirmation numbers, simply enter the password (2330F) in “Event Planner Login” link on your personalized website or at:
ICAM or ICSI mailing list

To participate in the ICAM, you must become a member of the ICAM list.

To subscribe to or unsubscribe from the ICAM list, go to:
To send a message to the whole group, send mail to

To participate in the ICSI, you must become a member of the SI list.

To subscribe to or unsubscribe from the SI list, go to:
To send a message to the whole group, send mail to

Tracks and Chairs
Track 1: Corporate Sustainability

Dr. Brian Sullivan
Western Kentucky University

Track 2: Emotional Intelligence

Dr. Gita Gopaul Maharaja
Duquesne University
Track 3: Strategic Management & Organization Theory

Dr. In Hyeock (Ian) Lee
Western Kentucky University

Track 4: Management in the Public Sector & Non-Governmental Organizations

Dr. Mark L. McConkie
University of Colorado
Track 5: OB, OT, & Leadership

Dr. Anthony Ojo
The University of the Incarnate Word

Track 6: Human Resource Management

Rebecca R. Askew
University of Mississippi Medical Ctr
Track 7: Healthcare Administration

Dr. Ismail Civelek
Western Kentucky University

Track 8: Business and Society, Ethics and Values

Dr. Don G. Schley
Colorado Technical University
Track 9: Entrepreneurship & Small Business Strategy

Dr. Raja Bhattacharya
University of Louisville

Track 10: Organizational Learning & Knowledge Management

Dr. Zuopeng Zhang
SUNY at Plattsburgh

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