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NCMA 2011 : Non-Classical Models of Automata and Applications.


Conference Series : Non-Classical Models for Automata and Applications
When Jul 18, 2011 - Jul 19, 2011
Where Milano, Italy
Submission Deadline May 12, 2011
Final Version Due Jun 19, 2011
Categories    theoretical computer science

Call For Papers


3rd International Workshop on
Non-Classical Models of Automata and Applications

July 18 - 19, 2010. Milano, Italy

Researchers are invited to submit papers concerning original contributions
on non-classical models of automata and applications and related subjects
for NCMA 2011. Many non-classical automata models are natural objects of
theoretical computer science. They are studied from different points of view
in various areas, both as theoretical concepts and as formal models for
applications. The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers
working on different aspects of different variants of non-classical automata
models in order to exchange and develop novel ideas. A deeper and
interdisciplinary coverage of this particular area may gain new insights
and substantial progress.

Topics of NCMA 2011 include, but are not limited to:
-- Bio-inspired Automata
-- Cellular Automata
-- Restarting Automata, Forgetting Automata
-- Automata with Additional Resources
-- Automata Networks, Cooperation, and Communication
-- Quantum Automata
-- Other Formal Models Inspired by:
-- Linguistics
-- Bio-Computing
-- Text Processing
-- Document Engineering
-- Self-Assembling

In all these settings:
-- Application
-- Expressive Capability
-- Descriptional Complexity
-- Universality, Self-Reproduction
-- Decision Problems and their Complexity
-- Algebraic Properties

The 3rd International workshop NCMA 2011 will take place in Milano, Italy,
immediately before DLT 2011 which also will be held in Milano from July 19
(afternoon). NCMA 2011 is partially supported by the University of Milan,
Dipartimento di Scienze dell'informazione, and by Dipartimento di Informatica
e Comunicazione. The first workshop was held in Wroclaw, Poland, while the
second edition took place in Jena, Germany.

Date for submission: Thursday, May 12th, 2011 (extended deadline)
Notification of acceptance or rejection: tba.
Final copy for the proceedings: Sunday, June 19th, 2011.
Workshop: July 18 - 19, 2011.

Papers presenting original contributions on non-classical models of automata
and applications and related subjects are being sought.

Authors are invited to submit papers of no more than 12 pages in OCG-style
( in
electronic format (PostScript or PDF). Proofs omitted due to space
constraints must be put into an appendix to be read by the program committee
members at their discretion. Simultaneous submission to other conferences
or workshops with published proceedings is not allowed. All submissions will
be reviewed by at least three referees. The proceedings volume is expected
to be published by the Oesterreichischen Computer Gesellschaft in its series and will be available at the workshop. Selected papers
will be published in a special journal issue (Fundamenta Informaticae,
for the previous two editions of the workshop). The submissions are handled
by the EasyChair conference management system. To submit your paper, please
go to

Rudolf Freund (Technische Universitaet Wien, Austria)
Markus Holzer (Universitaet Giessen, Germany)
Carlo Mereghetti (Universite di Milano, Italy)
Friedrich Otto (Universitaet Kassel, Germany)
Beatrice Palano (Universite di Milano, Italy)

Andris Ambainis (University of Riga, Latvia)
Viliam Geffert (University of Kosice, Slovak Rep.)

Christian Choffrut (Universite Paris Diderot, France)
Erzsebet Csuhaj-Varju (Academy of Sciences, Hungary)
Mark Daley (University of Western Ontario, Canada)
Jerome Durand-Lose (Universite d'Orleans, France)
Rusins Freivalds (University of Riga, Latvia)
Rudolf Freund (Technische Universitaet Wien, Austria)
Mika Hirvensalo (University of Turku, Finland)
Markus Holzer (Universitaet Giessen, Germany)
Andreas Malcher (Universitaet Giessen, Germany)
Carlo Mereghetti (University of Milano, Italy)
Nelma Moreira (University of Porto, Protugal)
Hidenosuke Nishio (University of Kyoto, Japan)
Marion Oswald (Technische Universitaet Wien, Austria)
Friedrich Otto (Universitaet Kassel, Germany)
Beatrice Palano (University of Milano, Italy)
Giovanni Pighizzini (University of Milano, Italy)
Kai Salomaa (Queen's University, Canada)
Bianca Truthe (Universitaet Magdeburg, Germany)

Related Resources

NCMA 2025   Non-Classical Models for Automata and Applications
IJRAP 2025   International Journal of Recent advances in Physics
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IJSC 2025   International Journal on Soft Computing
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FoIKS 2026   International Symposium on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems
DLT 2025   The 29th International Conference on Developments in Language Theory
AUTOMATA 2025   International Workshop on Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems
DCFS 2025   Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems
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