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IRSLD 2017 : Special Session on Information Retrieval and Summarization from Lifelog Data at ICPRAM 2017


When Feb 24, 2017 - Feb 26, 2017
Where Porto, Portugal
Submission Deadline Dec 9, 2016
Notification Due Dec 23, 2016
Final Version Due Jan 2, 2017
Categories    information retrieval   NLP

Call For Papers

Dear all,
maybe this call for paper is of interest for some of you.

Kind regards,

Subject: Special Session on Information Retrieval and Summarization from Lifelog Data (IRSLD) at ICPRAM 2017 - Call for paper
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We cordially invite you to submit a paper to the special session on "Information Retrieval and Summarization from Lifelog Data" at the 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2017 -, to be held in Porto, Portugal.

In the recent years, lifelogging and the management of personal digital data is rapidly becoming a mainstream research topic. With the rich data captured over a long period of time, heterogeneous digital lifelogs will require both advanced analytics tools that can provide insights into the activities of the individual, and systems capable of managing large volumes of multimodal data. Many challenges await the scientific community from both ethical and technological viewpoints. Recently, several international competitions promoted research in the area by making publicly available datasets on which to test new approaches and techniques, at both NTCIR and ImageCLEF (

The aim of this special session is to draw together researchers involved in this new and challenging area. We seek contributions that are either focused on learning and data analysis (e.g., active and adaptive learning, hypothesis generation, data managed techniques, combining classifier techniques, etc.) or focused on solving real world challenges (e.g., human behavior analysis, content-based multimedia retrieval, and many others).

The main topics of interest include (although not limited to):
- Multimedia data analytics for lifelog data
- Search and retrieval from lifelogs
- User experiences of lifelog gathering and application
- Real-world applications of lifelogging
- Captology and behaviour change from personal data
- Egocentric vision and first-person camera vision analytics


Submission: Papers should be double-blind, up to 8 pages long, including references, tables, graphs, images and appendices. Papers should be formatted using the SCITEPRESS template (which can be found here

Acceptance: After review, qualifying papers may be accepted as either Full Papers or Short Papers.

Presentation: Papers classified as Full Papers will get a 30’ minutes slot for an oral presentation at the conference. Papers classified as Short Papers are given either a 20’ minutes slot for an oral presentation or assigned to present at a Poster Session. Authors who have been assigned an oral presentation, either Full or Short, may however also choose to present at a Poster Session instead, should they prefer it.

Publication: Papers classified as Full Papers will be assigned a 12-page limit in the Conference Proceedings, while papers classified as Short Papers have an 8-page limit. The total number of pages to consider is the number obtained after the paper has been correctly formatted according to the appropriate template (SCITEPRESS). The Conference Proceedings will be published under an ISBN number by SCITEPRESS and include final versions of all accepted papers, adjusted to satisfy reviewers’ recommendations. They will be published on paper and CD-ROM support, and made available for online consultation at the SCITEPRESS Digital Library. Online publication is exclusive to papers which have been both published and presented at the event.
Indexation: The proceedings will be submitted to Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI), INSPEC, DBLP, EI (Elsevier Index) and Scopus for indexation.

Submission Deadline: December 9, 2016
Authors Notification: December 23, 2016
Camera Ready and Registration: January 2, 2017
ICPRAM Conference: February 24-26 , 2017

Luca Piras - University of Cagliari, Italy
Duc­ Tien Dang ­Nguyen - Dublin City University, Ireland
Michael Riegler - University of Oslo, Norway

Please check further details at the IRSLD special session website (


Luca Piras - Ph. D.
PRA - Pattern Recognition and Applications Lab
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
University of Cagliari
Piazza d'Armi, 09123 Cagliari - Italy
Tel. +39 070 675 5776 Fax +39 070 675 5782

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