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CIRCLE 2020 : Joint Conference of the Information Retrieval Communities in Europe


When Jul 6, 2020 - Jul 9, 2020
Where Samatan, Gers, France
Submission Deadline Feb 28, 2020
Notification Due Apr 30, 2020
Final Version Due May 29, 2020
Categories    information retrieval

Call For Papers

CIRCLE 2020 | Joint Conference of the Information Retrieval Communities in Europe
July 6-9, 2020, Samatan, Gers, France

Call for Contributions

CIRCLE 2020 arose from a twofold wish to gather three national
Information Retrieval (IR) conferences and to offer young researchers
the opportunity to meet and discuss with senior researchers.

CIRCLE is supported by the ARIA French conference (CORIA, COnférence en
Recherche d’Information et Applications), the Spanish Conference on
Information Retrieval (CERI, Congreso Español de Recuperación de
Información), the Italian Information Retrieval Workshop, and the Swiss
IR community.

The main objective of CIRCLE 2020 is to propose a unique place for
stimulating and disseminating research in IR, where senior/industrial
and early stage researchers (including MSc and PhD students) can network
and discuss their research results in a friendly environment. CIRCLE
2020 will take place on July 6-9, 2020 at Samatan, Gers, south of France
(50 minutes from Toulouse). More information at

Participation in CIRCLE 2020 will be low fare charged.

• 10 February 2020: Intention of submission (title and short abstract)
• 28 February 2020: Deadline for long paper submission
• 20 March 2020: Deadline for short papers and demos submissions
• 30 April 2020: Long paper, short paper, and demos notifications
• 29 May 2020: Deadline for camera-ready papers

CIRCLE 2020 offers an opportunity to present and discuss both
theoretical and empirical research. Relevant topics include, but are not
restricted to:
. Search and ranking
. Content analysis, recommendation and classification
. Domain-specific applications
. Artificial intelligence, semantics and dialog
. Human factors and interfaces
. Evaluation
. Future directions
See details at

For the common track, submissions must be in English and in PDF using
the current ACM two-column conference format. The conference language
for this track will be English. Submission will be peer reviewed by at
least 3 reviewers in a double blind process by the CIRCLE common program
committee. Submission will be through Easychair at The proceedings
will be sent to for online publication. Papers may range
from theoretical work, experimental research, to system and project

Authors are invited to submit one of the following types of contributions:
. Long original papers (up to 8 pages + 1 page for references)
. Short original papers (up to 4 pages + 1 page for references)
. Extended abstracts containing descriptions of ongoing projects or
presenting already published results (up to 2 pages)

While long papers (max. 8 pages plus up to 1 page for references)
describe mature and original research results, short papers (max. 4
pages plus up to 1 page for references) typically discuss exciting new
work that is not yet mature enough for a long paper, such as for example
doctoral papers. In particular, novel but significant proposals will be
considered for acceptance into this category despite not having gone
through sufficient experimental validation or lacking strong theoretical
foundation. Extended abstracts (max. 2 pages) may include a system
demonstration, a project presentation, an already published piece of
work (e.g. in a top level IR journal or conference). Applications of
information retrieval to novel areas are especially welcome. Intention of
submission (title and short abstract) will be used for reviewers to bid
on papers. Each accepted paper will be included in the conference
proceedings and orally presented.

There will be also CERI submissions: the Spanish Conference on
Information Retrieval will organize sessions with oral presentations in
Spanish for certain papers written in either Spanish or English. Special
interest will be devoted to papers on applications with municipal,
regional or national impact in Spain, collaborations from Spanish
institutions and companies, or using corpuses in Spanish. Short original
papers or extended abstracts are allowed.
Note: as in previous editions of CERI (details will be given by the
Spanish IR association defended thesis from June
2018 to May 2020 could qualify for the SERI Award to the best Spanish
PhD dissertation in IR.

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