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IWCT 2014 : Third International Workshop on Combinatorial Testing


When Mar 31, 2014 - Mar 31, 2014
Where Cleveland, Ohio USA
Submission Deadline Jan 15, 2014
Notification Due Feb 7, 2014
Categories    combinatorial testing   software testing   software engineering   testing

Call For Papers

Combinatorial Testing (CT) is a widely applicable generic method for software verification and validation. In a combinatorial test plan, all interactions between parameters up to a certain level are covered. Studies show that CT can significantly reduce the number of test cases while remaining very effective for fault detection. This workshop aims to bring together researchers, developers, users, and practitioners to discuss and exchange ideas and experiences in the development and application of CT methods, techniques, and tools.
We invite submissions of high-quality papers presenting original work on both theoretical and experimental aspects of combinatorial testing. Submissions of full papers of up to 10 pages, as well as short papers of up to 4 pages are welcome.
New this year: We will also have a poster session, for authors to present their work in an informal and interactive setting. Posters are ideal for presenting recent results, or case studies and industry experience. Posters that present work in progress and draw important conclusions from practical experience are especially welcome. A one-page extended abstract of the poster should be submitted for review by the submission deadline. Accepted poster abstracts will be included in the proceedings at author’s request. Authors are responsible for formatting abstracts according to the IEEE publication template.
Topics of interest for papers or posters include, but are not limited to:

– Combinatorial testing workflow
o Modeling the input space for CT
o Efficient algorithms to generate t-way test suites, especially involving support of constrains
o Determination of expected system behavior for each test case
o Executing CT test suites
o Combinatorial testing based fault localization
o Implementation of CT with existing testing infrastructures
o Handling changes in test requirements

– Applicability of combinatorial testing
o Comparison and combination of CT with other dynamic verification methods
o Study of failure records to determine the kind of CT which may have detected faults
o Empirical studies and feedback from practical applications of CT
o Combinatorial testing for concurrent and real-time systems
o Cloud computing systems testing and use of combinatorial methods in cloud architecture
o Application of CT in other domains, e.g., gene regulation or other biotech applications

– Combinatorial and complementing methods
o Combinatorial analysis of existing test suites
o Test plan reduction and completeness
o CT and coverage metrics – combining the two, and studying the relationship between them

Related Resources

IWCT 2025   14th International Workshop on Combinatorial Testing
IEEE-Ei/Scopus-ITCC 2025   2025 5th International Conference on Information Technology and Cloud Computing (ITCC 2025)-EI Compendex
ICTSS 2025   37th International Conference on Testing Software and Systems
ACM SAC 2025   40th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing
ICSEA 2025   The Twentieth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances
NLPA 2025   6th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Applications
VALID 2025   The Seventeenth International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle
IEEE ICMLT 2025   IEEE--2025 10th International Conference on Machine Learning Technologies (ICMLT 2025)
EvoCOP 2025   Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization
VLSIA 2025   11th International Conference on VLSI and Applications