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UIMA@GSCL 2013 : Workshop: Unstructured Information Management Architecture (UIMA)


When Sep 23, 2013 - Sep 23, 2013
Where Darmstadt, Germany
Submission Deadline Jul 19, 2013
Notification Due Aug 16, 2013
Final Version Due Aug 31, 2013
Categories    natural language processing   software engineering   text mining   artificial intelligence

Call For Papers


Workshop: Unstructured Information Management Architecture (UIMA)
3rd UIMA@GSCL Workshop

extended submission deadline: July, 19

September 23, 2013
Darmstadt, Germany
in conjunction with GSCL 2013:

Further Information:


In recent years, the Unstructured Information Management Architecture
(UIMA) framework has been proposed as a middleware platform which
offers integration by design through common type systems and
standardized communication methods for components analysing streams
of unstructured information, such as natural language. The UIMA
framework offers a solid processing infrastructure that allows
developers to concentrate on the implementation of the actual
analytics components. An increasing number of members of the NLP
community thus have adopted UIMA as a platform facilitating the
creation of reusable NLP components that can be assembled to address
different NLP tasks depending on their order, combination and

This workshop aims at bringing together the NLP community -- users,
developers or providers of either UIMA components or UIMA-related
tools in order to explore and discuss the opportunities and
challenges in using UIMA as a platform for modern, well-engineered
NLP. Alternatives to and comparisons of other frameworks (such as
GATE, LingPipe, etc) with UIMA are of interest, too.

Workshop topics include, but are not limited to:
- processing of very large data collections: scale-out,
parallelization, and performance optimization
- advanced applications driven by UIMA
- sophisticated tools to build and manage complex processing
- analysis of results: exploration, evaluation, visualization, and
statistical analysis
- experience reports combining UIMA-based components from different
sources, as well as solutions to interoperability issues
- UIMA components with a special focus on genericity and type-system
- repositories of ready-to-use UIMA-based components
- (generic) type systems for UIMA
- distribution of UIMA components: documentation, licensing and
- developing for UIMA: simplified APIs, debugging, unit testing, and
limitations of UIMA

### Submissions ###

We invite submissions of full papers, limited to 8 pages of text, and
position papers or papers describing ongoing work as short papers,
limited to 4 pages. Also, system demostration papers are welcome (4
pages). Submitted paper must be original, i.e. not published in an
earlier workshop or conference or journal. Reviewing will not be
anonymous but authors wishing to keep their anonymity may hide their
identity on demand. The submitted papers will be reviewed by three
members of the program committee.

All submissions must be in English and follow the Springer LNCS style
[1] and should be created using LaTeX. All papers must be submitted
in PDF and via EasyChair [2].

The one-day workshop will be held with oral presentations of accepted
papers. A comfortable time slot for discussions will be given. The
workshop will also include a keynote on Apache cTAKES, the Apache
clinical Text Analysis and Knowledge Extraction System which is also
based on the UIMA framework.

Note that at least one author of each accepted paper must register
and present the contribution. Accepted contributions are planned to
appear as CEUR Workshop Proceedings (


### Important Dates ###

July, 19: Submission deadline (extended)
August, 16: Notification of acceptance
August, 31: Camera-ready deadline
Sept, 23: Workshop held in Darmstadt in conjunction with GSCL 2013

### Organizers and Contact ###

Peter Klügl, Universität Würzburg
Richard Eckart de Castilho, TU Darmstadt
Katrin Tomanek, Averbis GmbH

Please address any inquiries regarding the workshop to:

### Program Committee ###

- Sophia Ananiadou, University of Manchester
- Steven Bethard, KU Leuven
- Ekaterina Buyko, Nuance Deutschland
- Philipp Cimiano, Universität Bielefeld
- Kevin Cohen, University of Colorado
- Anni R. Coden, Thomas J. Watson Research Center
- Richard Eckart de Castilho, TU Darmstadt
- Frank Enders, Averbis GmbH
- Nicolai Erbs, TU Darmstadt
- Stefan Geissler, TEMIS
- Thilo Götz, IBM Deutschland
- Udo Hahn, FSU Jena
- Nicolas Hernandez, University of Nantes
- Michael Herweg, IBM Deutschland
- Nancy Ide, Vassar College
- Peter Klügl, Universität Würzburg
- Kai Simon, Averbis GmbH
- Michael Tanenblatt, Thomas J. Watson Research Center
- Martin Toepfer, Universität Würzburg
- Katrin Tomanek, Averbis GmbH
- Karin Verspoor, National ICT Australia
- Graham Wilcock, University of Helsinki
- Torsten Zesch, TU Darmstadt

Related Resources

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