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Trans. on MLDM 2012 : International Journal Transactions on Machine Learning and Data Mining


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Dec 31, 2012
Categories    machine learning   data mining   computer science   pattern recognition

Call For Papers

Submission Deadline: anytime

The International Journal "Transactions on Machine Learning and Data Mining" is a periodical appearing twice a year. The journal focuses on novel theoretical work for particular topics in Data Mining and applications on Data Mining. The topics are but not limited to Data Mining:

- Marketing
- Medicine
- E-Commerce (Mining Logfiles)
- Biotechnology
- Quality Management
- Multimedia Data (Image, Video, Text, Signals)
- Web-Mining
- Intrusion Detection in Networks
- Case-Based Reasoning
- Clustering
- Classification & Prediction
- Association Rules
- Telecommunication
- Design of Experiment
- Strategy of Experimentation
- Capability Indices
- Deviation and Novelty Detection
- Control Charts
- Design of Experiments
- Capability Indices
- Desirabilities
- inductive learning including decision tree and rule induction learning
- conceptional learning and clustering
- case-based reasoning and learning
- similarity measures and learning of similarity
- association rules
- visualization and data mining
- video mining
- mining structural representations such as log files, text documents and HTML documents
- statistical learning and neural net based learning
- classification and interpretation of images, text, video
- organisational learning and evolutional learning
- probabilistic information retrieval
- mining gene data bases and biological data bases
- mining images, temporal-spatial data, images from remote sensing
- mining text documents
- knowledge extraction from text, video, signals and images
- Classification and Model Estimation
- Decision Trees
- Case-Based Reasoning and Associative Memory
- Rule Induction and Grammars
- Neural Methods
- Nonlinear Function Learning and Neural Net Based Learning
- Support Vector Machines
- Bayesian Models and Methods
- Subspace Methods
- Statistical and Conceptual Clustering Methods: Basics
- Applications of Clustering
- Feature Grouping, Discretization, Selection and Transformation
- Feature Learning
- Learning/adaption of recognition and perception
- Learning of internal representations and models
- Learning of appropriate behaviour
- Learning of action patterns
- Learning in Image Pre-Processing and Segmentation
- Statistical and Evolutionary Learning
- Retrieval Methods
- Content-Based Image Retrieval
- Applications in Medicine
- Time Series and Sequential Pattern Mining
- Mining Financial or Stockmarket Data
- Frequent Pattern Mining
- Mining Images in Computer Vision
- Mining Images and Texture
- Mining Motion from Sequence
- Real-Time Event Learning and Detection
- Speech Analysis
- Aspects of Data Mining
- Text Mining
- Symbolic Learning and Neural Networks in Document Processing
- Deviation and Novelty Detection
- Learning and adaptive control
- Learning robots
- Learning in process automation
- Learning for Handwriting Recognition
- Network Analysis and Intrusion Detection
- Autoamtic Semantic Annotation of Media Content
- Learning of Semantic Inferencing Rules
- Learning of Ontologies
- Learning of Visual Ontologies
- High-Content Analysis of Microscopic Images in Medicine, Biotechnology and Chemistry

The journal is a free on-line journal but having in parallel hardcopies of the journal. The free on-line access to the content of the paper should ensure fast and easy access to new research developments for researchers all over the world. The hardcopy of the journal can be purchased by individuals, companies, and libraries for a cost prize.

For more information see:

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