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CEMi 2018 : CEMi 18 - International Workshop on Computing, Electromagnetics, and Machine Intelligence


When Nov 21, 2018 - Nov 24, 2018
Where Stellenbosch, South Afrıca
Submission Deadline Aug 1, 2018
Notification Due Sep 3, 2018
Final Version Due Oct 15, 2018
Categories    computing   communications   electromagnetics   machine learning

Call For Papers

CEMi’18 International Workshop is a friendly platform to discuss recent progress in all areas related to computing, computational science
and engineering (CSE), computational intelligence, electromagnetics, high-performance computing (HPC), machine learning, multi-
physics problems, parallel computing, artificial intelligence, supercomputing, and deep learning.
Since 2007, experts and enthusiasts have been meeting to exchange ideas and knowledge. In 2018, the workshop will be held in the
adorable town of Stellenbosch, South Africa. CEMi’18 is supplemented with a strong social program, creating a hospitable environment
in Stellenbosch’s impressive backdrop of magnificent nature, wineries, history, and culture.

Topics of Interest


Parallel computing
Heterogeneous computing
High-performance computing
Petascale computing
Towards exascale computing
Novel hardware platforms
Distributed computing
Cloud computing


Deep learning
Neural nets
Machine learning
Artificial intelligence

* Methods

Fast solvers
Integral equations
Iterative solvers and preconditioning
Frequency-domain methods
Time-domain methods
Direct solvers
Recursive solvers
Optimization methods
Differential equations
FDTD methods
FEM methods
Hybrid methods
Numerical linear algebra
Inverse solvers
Large-scale solvers


Scattering and RCS
Autonomous vehicles
Remote sensing
Biomedical applications
Wireless and propagation
Packages and interconnects
CSE use cases

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