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WCCS 2014 : The 2nd World Confererence on Complex Systems


When Nov 10, 2014 - Nov 13, 2014
Where Agadir, Morocco
Submission Deadline May 15, 2014
Categories    computer science   computational intelligence   software engineering   control

Call For Papers

[Call for papers WCCS14]: confirmed keynote speakers & Special Issues


Please consider to contribute to and/or forward to the appropriate groups the following opportunity to submit and publish original scientific results to WCCS14.
The submission deadline is May 15, 2014.
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended article versions to indexed Journals.

Professor Ronald R. Yager: Director of the Machine Intelligence Institute,Iona College (New York) USA.
Professor Nigel Gilbert: Director of the Centre for Research in Social Simulation (CRESS), University of Surrey, UK.
Professor Matjaž Mulej : Vice-president of IASCYS,University of Maribor, Slovenia.
Professor Hans Van Vliet: Department of Information Management and Software Engineering Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

More information at

International Journal of Intelligent Systems (Impact factor: 1.416 ISI Journal Citation Reports)
Special Issue: Vol 30 (2015)
Special Issue Title: "Advances in Complex Intelligence Systems"
Guest editors: M. Nemiche and M. Essaaidi.

International Journal of Adaptive, Resilient and Autonomic Systems (IJARAS)(Indexed)
Special Issue: Vol 6, Issue 1 (2015)
Guest editors: M. Bakhouya, M. Nemiche and M. Essaaidi.
Dear Colleague,
The 2nd World Conference on Complex Systems (WCCS14) will be organized by "Ibn Zohr University" ; "Moroccan
Society of Complex Systems" and "National College of IT (ENSIAS, Mohamed V Souissi University)" in partnership with "IEEE
Moroccan section" ; "International Academy for Systems and Cybernetic Science" and "Spanish Society of General Systems,
Spain" will be held in Agadir during November 5-6, 2012.

You are cordially invited to submit or recommend a manuscript to WCCS14, which will be published by IEEE Digital
Library and printed conference proceedings(Book of Abstracts with ISBN). Extended version of selected papers will be invited
for publication in special issues of international journals.


Computational Intelligence and Applications:
Fuzzy Set Theory and Fuzzy Systems,
Fractals, Chaos Theory and Chaotic Systems,
Artificial Neural Networks,
Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms,
Interactive computational models,
Expert systems,
Machine learning

Multi-Agent Systems and Applications:
Agent and Multi-agent Architectures,
Adaptive Agents and Multi-agent Learning,
Multi-agent Social Simulation and Cognitive Modeling with Agents,
Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation

Software Engineering Research and Practice:
Software architecture and design,
Object oriented technology (design and analysis),
Software design and design patterns,
Software engineering methodologies,
Model driven engineering,
Verifying and implementing the systems,
Software maintenance and evolution

Analyzing and processing Big Data,
Analyzing Big Data from social media,
Big Data analysis and processing,
Computational models for Big Data,
Opinion mining and sentiment analysis methods,
High-Performance data/text mining technologies,
Cloud computing for Big Data,
HPC programming models for Big Data,
Theoretical Models for Big Data in the Social media,
Data Model and Databases for Big Data,
Big Data Acquisition, Integration, search, and mining,
Applications, e.g, Healthcare, crises management, business intelligence

Embedded and Real-time Systems and applications:
Embedded Hardware Support,
Embedded Software,
Embedded System Architecture,
Hardware/Software Co-design, Real-time Systems

Systems Modeling and Automatic Control:
Optimization in control systems,
Hybrid dynamical systems,
Discrete event systems,
System Theory ,
System modeling, simulation and architectures,
Socio-Cultural and Behavioral Modeling,
Complex Social ,Economical, Political, Juridical and Ecological Systems,
Real-time systems control

Biomedical Engineering and Computational Biology:
Biomedical Engineering,
Medical and Biological Databases,
Biomedical signal and Image Processing,
Medical Informatics,
Biomedical Engineering and Computational Biology

The full papers should be submitted in PDF format to the wccs14 EasyChair online submission website:
More information at

Submission: May 15 2014
Notification : June 15 2014
Camera-ready: July 20 2014
Registration: July 20 2014
WCCS14: November 10-13, 2014

Best regards,
Dr. M NEMICHE, Co-Chair of WCCS14;

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