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CoopIS 2018 : Cooperative Information Systems


Conference Series : Cooperative Information Systems
When Oct 24, 2018 - Oct 26, 2018
Where Valletta, Malta
Abstract Registration Due Jul 18, 2018
Submission Deadline Jul 24, 2018
Notification Due Aug 20, 2018
Final Version Due Aug 30, 2018
Categories    information systems

Call For Papers

Cooperative Information Systems (CIS) facilitate the cooperation between individuals, organisations, smart devices, and systems of systems, by providing flexible, scalable and intelligent services to enterprises, public institutions and user communities. As a result, people and smart devices can interact, share information and work together across physical barriers. The domain of CIS integrates research results from different related computing areas, such as: distributed systems, coordination technologies, collaborative decision making, enterprise architecture, business process management and conceptual modelling.

In recent years, several innovative technologies have emerged: Cloud Computing, Service Oriented Computing, the Internet of Things, Linked Open Data, Semantic Systems, Collective Awareness Platforms, Block Chain, Processes as a Service, etc, that enable the next generation of CISs.

In developing the next generation CISs, research is needed towards (1) the applicability and use of the above mentioned innovative technologies, (2) approaches to develop CISs in particular catering towards the multitude of stakeholders involved in the development of socio-cyber-physical systems, and (3) associated modelling techniques to express and analyse the different aspects of these systems in cohesion.

The CoopIS conference series has established itself as a major international forum for the exchange of ideas and results from scientific research and practical experiences in the fields mentioned above.

As in previous years, CoopIS'18 will be part of a joint event with other conferences, in the context of the OTM Federated Conferences ("OnTheMove"), covering different aspects of distributed information systems.


Topics that are addressed by CoopIS'18 are logically grouped in five broad thematic areas, and include but are not limited to:

Applications from emerging areas of CIS
Development approaches and associated modelling languages for CIS engineering
Principles and reference architectures for CIS
Enabling technologies for CIS
Collaborative development methods, tools, and platforms

Applications from emerging areas of CIS, including:

Industry 4.0
Space mining
Digital sustainability
Smart systems (city, mobility, traffic, home, grid etc)
Digital humanities and e-Sciences
E-Business, e-Commerce, e-Learning and e-Government
Medical and biological information systems
Compliance and regulation

Development approaches and associated modelling languages for CIS engineering, including:

CIS development approaches and strategies
Conceptual modelling for CIS, including:
Domain modelling
Enterprise modelling
Business process modelling
Ontologies and ontology engineering
Evolution and re-engineering techniques for CIS
Enterprise and information systems architecture

Principles and reference architectures for CIS, including:

Interoperability and integration of heterogeneous, autonomous systems
Event-driven architectures
Adaptive and self-organising systems
Coordination systems, models and languages
Model-driven architectures
Security and privacy in CIS
Benchmarking and evaluation (performance, scalability, usability etc.)
Multi-agent systems and architectures for CIS
Quality of service in CIS architectures

Enabling technologies for CIS, including:

Artificial intelligence
Cloud computing
Peer-to-peer technologies
Block-chain technology
Data analytics
Internet of things
Big data

Collaborative development methods, tools, and platforms

Collaborative systems design and engineering
Frameworks and Methodologies for large scale collaboration
Distributed process compliance, governance, and risk management
Social network platforms and models for large-scale collaboration
Collaborative open innovation management
Key performance indicators (KPI) and monitoring in CIS
Process support in smart and ubiquitous environments
Cooperation, communication, negotiation protocols

Related Resources

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