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AFMS 2012 : The 2012 FTRA International Workshop on Advanced Future Multimedia Services


When Nov 22, 2012 - Nov 25, 2012
Where Jeju, Korea
Submission Deadline Apr 15, 2012
Notification Due Jun 10, 2012
Final Version Due Jun 30, 2012
Categories    multimedia   semantic

Call For Papers

[AFMS 2012 Call for Papers]


** Important Notices **

1. Submission due: April 15, 2012

2. The final versions of ALL accepted papers in the conference/workshop will be included in
the special issues of SCI/E indexed international journals for full papers (as of Thomson ISI
SCI/SCIE list in 2012) and LNEE, HCIS, JoC for regular papers.

Full Paper :
* Multimedia Tools and Applications - Springer (SCIE)
* Advanced Science Letters - American Scientific Publishers (SCIE)

Regular Paper :
* Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE) - Springer
* Human-Centric and Information Sciences (HCIS) - Springer
* International Journal of Information Technology, Communications and Convergence (IJITCC) - InderScience
* Journal of Convergence (JoC) - FTRA Publishing

Call for Papers

The 2012 FTRA International Workshop on Advanced Future Multimedia Services
(AFMS 2012)

Jeju, Korea, November 22-25, 2012

The 2012 FTRA International Workshop on Advanced Future Multimedia Services (AFMS 2012) will be held in Jeju, Korea, Nevember 22-25, 2012.

The Workshop on Advanced Future Multimedia Services (AFMS'12) aims at high quality research contributions in advanced multimedia services for future technology, with a focus on how to apply advanced and semantic technologies to the acquisition, generation, storage, processing, and retrieval of large-scale multimedia information. A main goal of AFMS is to address emerging research challenges in advanced multimedia technologies. Multimedia community researchers are encouraged to join the workshop to benefit from the presentation of results from multimedia based research, which demonstrate important multimedia applications which could be enhanced by AI, Semantic Web and other advanced technologies.
AFMS'12 encourages a multidisciplinary perspective and welcomes papers that address challenges of multimedia in general or in the context of specific domains.


Original contributions, not currently under review to another journal or conference, are solicited in relevant areas including, but not limited to, the following:

Track 1: Multimedia Modeling and Processing
- AI and Soft Computing in Multimedia
- Computer Graphics and Simulation
- Multimedia Information Retrieval (images, videos, hypertexts, etc.)
- Internet Multimedia Mining
- Medical Image and Signal Processing
- Multimedia Indexing and Compression
- Virtual Reality and Game Technology
- Current Challenges in Multimedia

Track 2: Multimedia Services and Applications
- Multimedia RDBMS Platforms
- Multimedia in Telemedicine
- Multimedia Embedded Systems
- Entertainment Industry
- E-Commerce and E-Learning
- Novel Multimedia Applications
- Computer Graphics

Track 3. Semantic Multimedia
- Advanced Semantic Descriptors and Similarity Metrics for Multimedia
- Advanced Semantic and Content-based Multimedia Analysis
- Ontology Engineering and Ontology-based Multimedia Mining and Retrieval
- Semantic Web technologies and Multimedia
- Semantic-driven Multimedia Indexing and Retrieval
- Semantic-driven Multimedia Personalization and Adaptation
- Interfaces for Web-scale Multimedia Repositories
- Affective/Emotional Interaction or Interfaces in Multimedia Applications
- Applications of Semantic Multimedia in Social and Web-based Environments
- Collective and Swarm Intelligence for Multimedia Applications
- Multimedia and Digital Convergence
- Intelligent Multimedia Services
- Multimedia Security

Important Dates

[Step 1: Conference Process]

Paper submission due: April 15, 2012
1st Author notification: June 10, 2012
Revised paper due: June 30, 2012
2nd Author notification: July 15, 2012
Registration Due: July 30, 2012
Presentation Material due: July 30, 2012
Conference days: Nov. 22-25, 2012

[Step 2: Journal Process]

Final notification due: Dec. 15, 2012
Camera-ready paper due: Dec. 30, 2012
Journal Publication: 2nd or 3rd Quarter, 2013 (Tentative)

Paper Submission and Proceeding
Papers must strictly adhere to page limits (8-10 pages for Full Papers, 4-5 pages for Regular Papers).
Papers exceeding the page limits will be rejected without review.

All submissions must be made electronically :

All submissions must be written in English. They must contain no information identifying the author(s) or their affiliation(s).
All papers must be submitted in an electronic format which conforms to the workshop proceedings style and submitted as DOC or PDF files.
Papers must strictly adhere to page limits (8-10 pages for Full Papers, 4-5 pages for Regular Papers).
Papers exceeding the page limits will be rejected without review.
First, materials (PPT) for presentation of accepted papers will be included in a symposium proceeding.
As you can see the CFP, final version of all accepted and presented papers in this conference will be included in Special Issues of the following international journals indexed by SCI/E and KCIE.
We are planning to accept about many high quality papers for the this conference, and all of them, after presentation at the symposium, will be included in these special issues.
Full Papers will be published to SCI/SCIE Indexed Journals (as of Thomson ISI SCI/SCIE list in 2012).
Regular Papers will be published to International Journals (LNEE, HCIS, JoC, IJITCC, etc..).

Full Paper :
* Multimedia Tools and Applications - Springer (SCIE)

Regular Paper :
* Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE) - Springer
* Human-Centric and Information Sciences (HCIS) - Springer
* International Journal of Information Technology, Communications and Convergence (IJITCC) - InderScience
* Journal of Convergence (JoC) - FTRA Publishing

Organizing Committee

[Steering Chair]
James J. (Jong Hyuk) Park, Seoul National University of Science & Technology, Korea

[General Chair]
Sang-Soo Yeo, Mokwon University, Korea
Geyong Min, University of Bradford, UK

[Program Chair]
Seungmin Rho, Korea University, Korea

[Publicity Chair]
Sangoh Park, Chang-Ang University, Korea

[Local Arrangement Chair]
Yang-Sun Lee, Chosun University, Korea

[Web and System Management Chair]
Jung-Sik Cho, Chung-Ang University, Korea

Jonggu Kang, Daejin University, Korea

[Program Committee]
Christos Verikoukis, CTTC, Spain
Fu Cheng, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Gregorio Martinez Perez , University of Murcia, Spain
Haoyi Xiong , Institut TELECOM SudParis, France
Hiroshi ISHIKAWA , Shizuoka University, Japan
Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Australian Institute of Criminology, Australia
Mahmoud F. Abaza , Athabasca University, Canada
Maria Teresa Andrade , INESC PORTO, Portugal
Markus Kampmann , Ericsson Research, Ericsson GMbH, Germany
Maumita Bhattacharya , Charles Sturt University, Australia
Michael Schwarz , Universitat of Kassel, Germany
Ruck Thawonmas, Ritsumeikan University, Japan
Satoshi Kurihara, Osaka University, Japan
Xinpeng Zhang, Shanghai University, China
Yanming Shen, Dalian University of Technology, China
Yao Zhao, Jiaotong University, China
Yuh-Jye Lee, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Yunquan Zhang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Zhaobin Liu, Dalian Maritime University, China
Ce-Kuen Shieh, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Davy Van Deursen, Ghent University, Belgium
Yan-Wen Guo, Zhejiang University, China
Eva Cheng, RMIT University, Australia
Weiqiang Wang, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Yonghong Tian, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Yongdong Zhang, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Oscar Au, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
SeungTaek Ryoo, Hanshin University, Korea
Debasis Giri, Haldia Institute of Technology, India

Contact Information
If you have any questions about the CFPs and papers submission, please email to
Prof. Seungmin Rho (pc.seungminrho AT

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