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TSD 2016 : Text, Speech and Dialogue


Conference Series : Text, Speech and Dialogue
When Sep 12, 2016 - Sep 16, 2016
Where Brno, Czech Republic
Abstract Registration Due Mar 15, 2016
Submission Deadline Mar 22, 2016
Notification Due May 15, 2016
Final Version Due May 31, 2016

Call For Papers

TSD 2016 will address the following topics within the field of natural language processing:
corpora, texts and transcription
speech analysis, recognition and synthesis
their intertwining within NL dialogue systems
Topics of the TSD 2016 Conference will include (but are not limited to):
Corpora and Language Resources (monolingual, multilingual, text and spoken corpora, large web corpora, disambiguation, specialized lexicons, dictionaries)
Speech Recognition (multilingual, continuous, emotional speech, handicapped speaker, out-of-vocabulary words, alternative way of feature extraction, new models for acoustic and language modelling)
Tagging, Classification and Parsing of Text and Speech (morphological and syntactic analysis, synthesis and disambiguation, multilingual processing, sentiment analysis, credibility analysis, automatic text labeling, summarization, authorship attribution)
Speech and Spoken Language Generation (multilingual, high fidelity speech synthesis, computer singing)
Semantic Processing of Text and Speech (information extraction, information retrieval, data mining, semantic web, knowledge representation, inference, ontologies, sense disambiguation, plagiarism detection)
Integrating Applications of Text and Speech Processing (natural language understanding, question-answering strategies, assistive technologies)
Machine Translation (statistical, rule-based, example-based, hybrid, text and speech translation)
Automatic Dialogue Systems (self-learning, multilingual, question-answering systems, dialogue strategies, prosody in dialogues)
Multimodal Techniques and Modelling (video processing, facial animation, visual speech synthesis, user modelling, emotions and personality modelling)
The official language of the event will be English, but papers on issues relating to text and speech processing in languages other than English are strongly encouraged.

Related Resources

TSD 2025   Twenty-eighth International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue
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NLPA 2025   6th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Applications
IEIJ 2025   Informatics Engineering, an International Journal
SCIDOCA 2025   SCIDOCA 2025 : Ninth International Workshop on SCIentific DOCument Analysis
SLaTE 2025   10th Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education
WNUT 2025   The 10th Workshop on Noisy and User-generated Text
IJNLC 2025   International Journal on Natural Language Computing
CAD-SI-TOXIC 2025   CfP Culture and Dialogue, Special Issue: The Aesthetics and Ethics of the Toxic
MNLP 2025   6th IEEE Conference on Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing