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ADHOC-NOW 2010 : The 9th International Conference on Ad Hoc Networks and Wireless (ADHOC-NOW 2010)


Conference Series : Ad-Hoc, Mobile and Wireless Networks
When Aug 20, 2010 - Aug 22, 2010
Where Edmonton, Canada
Submission Deadline Apr 25, 2010
Notification Due Jun 5, 2010
Final Version Due Jun 15, 2010
Categories    communications   networking   wireless   distributed systems

Call For Papers


The 9th International Conference on Ad Hoc Networks and Wireless (ADHOC-NOW 2010)

August 20th-22nd 2010, Edmonton, Canada

Since its creation in 2002, ADHOC-NOW has become a well-established and well-known international conference dedicated to wireless and mobile computing. It serves as a forum for interesting discussions on ongoing research and new contributions. The conference addresses both experimental and theoretical research in the areas of ad hoc networks, sensor networks, mesh networks and vehicular networks. It focuses on all issues from link layer up to the application layer. Following previous ADHOC-NOW conferences in Murcia, Spain (2009), Sophia Antipolis, France (2008), Morelia, Mexico (2007), Ottawa, Canada (2006), Cancun, Mexico (2005), Vancouver, Canada (2004), Montreal, Canada (2003), and Toronto, Canada (2002), the ninth ADHOC-NOW conference will take place in Edmonton, Canada, from August the 20th to August the 22nd, 2010.

SCOPE: We seek original contributions as work in progress, experimental and theoretical research in Wireless Sensor, Ad-Hoc, Mobile and Wireless Networks. Submissions must not be published or under review for another conference or journal. We are interested, but not limited to, research papers in any of the following areas:

* Access Control
* Ad-Hoc Networks of Autonomous Intelligent Systems
* Algorithmic Issues
* Analytic Methods and Modeling for Performance Evaluation
* Ad-Hoc Network Applications and Architectures
* Delay-Tolerant Networking
* Distributed Algorithms for Ad Hoc Networks
* Energy Efficiency
* Geometric Graphs
* Location Discovery and Management
* Wireless Mesh Networks
* Mobile Ad Hoc Computing Platforms, Systems and Testbeds
* Mobile Social Networking
* Quality-of-Service
* Routing Protocols (Unicast, Multicast, etc.)
* Secure Services and Protocols
* Sensor Networks
* Self-Configuration
* Service Discovery
* Timing Synchronization
* Vehicular Networks
* Wireless Internet

PAPER SUBMISSIONS: Papers should not exceed 14 pages (including a 150 word abstract, all figures, tables and references) in Springer Verlag LNCS format. Submissions which are not in the appropriate format will be rejected without review. Papers will be handled electronically at
All papers will be reviewed for technical merit. Each accepted paper will be published in the conference proceedings as a volume of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), provided at least one author of the paper registers to present the paper at the conference.

PANELS & DEMONSTRATIONS: Proposals for panels and system demonstrations are also solicited. Proposals should be sent to the Program Co-Chairs in PDF format by May 3rd, 2010. Proposals should not exceed 3 pages in LNCS format. In the case of panel proposals, they should include a description of theme and the names of the panelists. In the case of demo proposals, they should include the equipment to be used and any other relevant requirements. Please include contact information (postal address, email address, phone and fax numbers) in the submission. Accepted proposals for system demonstrations and panels will be allotted three pages in the proceedings, provided at least one author registers to present the demo/panel at the conference.


Paper submission deadline: April 25th, 2010
Demo proposal deadline: May 3rd, 2010
Demo acceptance notification: May 17th, 2010
Paper acceptance notification: June 5th, 2010
Camera ready submission: June 15th, 2010

Program Co-Chairs
Kui Wu
U. of Victoria, Canada.

Ioanis Nikolaidis
U. of Alberta, Canada.

Proceedings Co-Chairs
Qiang Ye
UPEI, Canada.

Sajid Hussain
Acadia University, Canada.

Publicity Co-Chairs
Chun Tung Chou
UNSW, Australia.

Cheng Li
Memorial U., Canada.

Steering Committee
Evangelos Kranakis
Carleton U., Canada.

Michel Barbeau
Carleton U., Canada.

S. S. Ravi
SUNY Albany, USA.

Violet Syrotiuk
Arizona State U., USA.

Thomas Kunz
Carleton U., Canada.

Ivan Stojmenovic
U. of Ottawa, Canada.

Ioanis Nikolaidis
U. of Alberta, Canada.

Related Resources

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