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DOLAP 2012 : ACM 15th International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAPConference Series : Data Warehousing and OLAP | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://bias.csr.unibo.it/golfarelli/DOLAP2012/ | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
Aim and Scope
------------- Data Warehouse (DW) and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) technologies are the core of current Decision Support Systems. Traditionally, a data warehouse has been a historical (and relatively static) repository of data collected from a wide variety of heterogeneous data sources by means of Extraction-Transformation-Loading (ETL) processes. The widespread deployment of both DWs and OLAP technologies is due to the intuitive representation of data provided to data analysts or managers in support of management decisions. Recently, the trend is that DWs become more and more dynamic, with near-real-time updates, and include more complex types of data. Research in data warehousing and OLAP has produced important technologies for the design, management and use of information systems for decision support. Much of the interest and success in this area can be attributed to the need for software and tools to improve data management and analysis given the large amounts of information that are being accumulated in corporate as well as scientific databases. Nevertheless, the high maturity of these technologies as well as new data and applications needs not only demand more capacity, but also new methods, models, techniques, or architectures to satisfy these new needs. Some of the hot topics in data warehouse research include distributed data warehouses, web warehouses, data streams, real-time data warehouses, GIS/location-based services, biomedical data, integration of semi-structured and unstructured data, security/privacy and quality management. Like the previous successful DOLAP workshops, the proposed DOLAP 2012 workshop aims to synergistically connect the research community and industry practitioners. It provides an international forum where both researchers and practitioners can share their findings in theoretical foundations, current methodologies, and practical experiences. DOLAP will focus on new research directions and emerging application domains in the areas of data warehousing and OLAP. DOLAP accepts submissions on data warehousing in a broad sense from both universities and industry. We are expanding topics to include work that bridges data warehousing and other large scale data processing platforms. This year, we encourage submissions from industry data warehouse technology developers describing technical details about their products as well as companies exploiting data warehousing technology describing case studies, experiences and technology limitations. Research topics include, but are not limited to: -Data warehousing foundations and architectures -Data warehouse Modeling and Design -Maintenance and evolution of data warehouses -Software Engineering techniques for DW and OLAP -Security, personalization and privacy in data warehouses -Data extraction, cleaning, and loading(ETL) -Active/Real-Time data warehouses -Multidimensional modeling and queries -Metadata management -Physical organization of data warehouses -Performance optimization and tuning -Data warehousing with unstructured data (e.g., text) and semi-structured data (e.g., XML) -Multimedia data warehouses -Data warehouses in Scientific Applications -Spatial, temporal, and spatio -Temporal data warehouses -Integration of OLAP and information retrieval/search engines -Integration of data warehouses/OLAP and data mining -Warehousing stream and sensor data -Software approaches for DW & OLAP -OLAP on Documents -Keyword search in Data Warehouses -Workflows in Data warehouses -Semantic Web & Deep Web in Data warehouses -Using MapReduce in Data warehouses -SQL Vs MapReduce for Analytical Processing Workshop Location ----------------- Sheraton Maui (http://www.sheraton-maui.com/), Maui, Hawaii, USA. Submission Guidelines and Instructions -------------------------------------- Contributions are invited from prospective authors with interests in the indicated session topics and related areas of application. All contributions should be high quality, original and not published elsewhere or submitted for publication during the review period. Manuscripts should be formatted using the ACM camera-ready templates (both for MS word and Latex) available at http://www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/template.html. There are two styles on the website. Both the Strict Adherence to SIGS and the Tighter Alternate style are allowed. Papers cannot exceed 8 pages in length for both research and industrial track. Authors from industry developing data warehousing technology or companies exploiting data warehouses can submit a short paper (up to 5 pages) to the industrial track. Papers should be submitted in PDF format via EasyChair (http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dolap2012). Papers will be reviewed by the program committee for their technical merit, originality, significance, readability and relevance to the workshop. Emphasis will be given to papers extending data warehousing to novel areas and applications. Paper Publication ----------------- Accepted papers will appear in the DOLAP 2012 proceedings, published by ACM in the DOLAP series. Authors of selected papers from the workshop will be invited to submit an extended version of their paper to a special issue of the Information Systems Journal - Elsevier (I.F. 1.595) |