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AMAMuS 2013 : Special Issue on Advances in Methods for Adaptive Multicore Systems (The Springer Journal of Supercomputing)


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Jul 10, 2013
Notification Due Oct 15, 2013
Final Version Due Jan 15, 2014
Categories    computer architecture   high performance computing   parallel processing   distributed systems

Call For Papers

Recent trends in the microprocessor industry have important ramifications for the design of the next generation of high-performance computing systems. By increasing number of cores, it is possible to improve the performance while keeping the power consumption unchanged. This trend has reached all areas of computing, ranging from `high-performance supercomputers to embedded multicore systems. Multicore systems need to be able to reconfigure themselves adaptively by monitoring their own condition and the surrounding environment in order to adapt themselves to different scenarios and performance-power requirements. Runtime monitoring becomes crucial in the emerging and future parallel and distributed multicore systems due to increase in variations and fault occurrences, thermal issues as well as due to the need for various adaptive optimizations. This special issue addresses all aspects of monitoring and reconfiguration of parallel and distributed multicore systems.

Authors are invited to submit original high-quality papers in (but not limited to) the following topics:

* Design space exploration and tradeoff analysis
* Scalable monitoring architectures for multicore systems
* Adaptive architectures for supercomputers
* Methods for distributed parallel system monitoring and reconfiguration
* Adaptive on/off chip communication (e.g. Networks-on-Chip)
* Energy-aware architectures and computing
* Adaptive fault tolerant architectures
* Thermal-aware architectures
* Dynamic power management techniques
* Adaptive techniques for FPGA based designs
* Adaptive architectures for 3D multicore systems
* Low-power monitor and sensor circuits
* Embedded multicore real-time systems
* Dynamic coherence protocols
* Formal methods for modeling, design and verification of monitoring and reconfiguration
* On-line testing, design of checkers
* Application analysis and parallelization for adaptive high-performance design
* Cases studies of multicore systems demonstrating adaptive implementation

Guest Editors:
Amir-Mohammad Rahmani, University of Turku, Finland
Pasi Liljeberg, University of Turku, Finland
Juha Plosila, University of Turku, Finland
Hannu Tenhunen, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Important Dates
Manuscript due: July 10, 2013 (extended deadline)
Acceptance/rejection notification: October 15th, 2013
2nd round check: December 15th, 2013
Final manuscript due: January 15th, 2014

All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed based on their originality, presentation, and novelty, as well as their suitability to the special issue. Previously published conference papers should be clearly stated by the authors and an explanation should be provided how such papers have been extended to be considered for this special issue. Authors are requested to follow the author guidelines at, and include the name of the call within the submission letter.

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