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DANMS 2012 : Distributed Autonomous Network Management Systems


When Apr 16, 2012 - Apr 16, 2012
Where NOMS - Hawaii
Submission Deadline Jan 8, 2012
Notification Due Jan 27, 2012
Final Version Due Feb 17, 2012
Categories    telecommunications   communications   data mining   artificial intelligence

Call For Papers

The Distributed Autonomous Network Management Systems 2012 (DANMS’12) workshop is part of a series of workshops dedicated to advances in network management and the application of new management principles in network design.

The growth of demand for user services is a key characteristic of modern and future ICT and telecommunications networks. New services have driven up network usage, but have also created huge network management problems for the operators, while end-users increasingly expect stream-lined and seamless network connectivity optimized for their services. Current approaches of monitoring and managing individual parts of telecommunications networks are still mostly agnostic to the diverse services using the network, or are optimized for voice services. Many management tools cannot even detect which services are operating on the network, much less support service-specific management objectives. Giving service providers access to the monitoring and management mechanisms of the network is not practical, given the multitude of heterogeneous networks involved, and the security, privacy, availability and regulatory oversight requirements inherent in managing a large network. Therefore it is the responsibility of the network managers to monitor and manage the services running over their networks based on the monitoring, analysis, planning and reconfiguration resources already available to them. Even though managing the network is already a challenge, additionally managing the services running over the networks is a key challenge that must be addressed in a timely manner. This year DANMS will particularly address how (semi-)automated analysis of network monitoring data, and planning of network management actions, can be applied to monitor, manage and support the services using the network.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following:
* Data-mining of network / service monitoring data
* Predictive analytics for network / service management
* Recommender systems for network / service management planning
* Efficient use of service monitoring data captured at the service endpoints
* Service and resource modeling approaches for service and network management
* Management and assurance of Home Area Networks and HAN services
* Use of semantics to enable service deployment, composition, and quality assurance
* Aspects of service management and assurance
* Techniques for efficient gathering, distributing and processing monitoring data
* Automated service provisioning and/or management across multiple service providers
* Techniques for ‘lifting’ low-level network monitoring data to richer service level information
* Insights from using Complex Event Processing and Stream Processing for monitoring data
* Fault and performance management, diagnosis, and troubleshooting
* End-to-end QoS and performance monitoring and management for enterprise networks
* Measurements and insights from network operations
* Metrics, techniques, and experiments for evaluating network management architectures
* Convergence of fixed and mobile networks
* SLA driven management
* Cloud computing for network and service monitoring and management
* Service Level Management in grids and clouds

Academic and industrial researchers are invited to submit full papers (6 pages) or short papers (3 pages) describing original work relating to the topics presented. All manuscripts must be written in English and should be prepared in IEEE style. All submitted papers will be reviewed by the DANMS Technical Program Committee.

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