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When Sep 11, 2022 - Sep 14, 2022
Where Gdansk , Poland
Submission Deadline May 6, 2022
Notification Due Jun 17, 2022
Final Version Due Nov 2, 2022
Categories    parallel programming   parallel computing   HPC

Call For Papers

WLPP 2022 is a full-day workshop to be held at the PPAM 2022 focusing on high level programming for large-scale parallel systems and multicore processors, with special emphasis on component architectures and models. Its goal is to bring together researchers working in the areas of applications, computational models, language design, compilers, system architecture, and programming tools to discuss new developments in programming Clouds and parallel systems. The workshop focuses on any language-based parallel programming model such as OpenMP, Python, Java parallel extensions, PGAS languages, Unified Parallel C (UPC), Co-Array FORTRAN (CAF) and GPGPU and hybrid language-based programming models such as CUDA, OpenCL, OneAPI, SYCL, RAJA, Kokkos and OpenACC. Contributions on other high-level programming models and supportive environments for parallel and distributed systems are equally welcome.

This workshop will feature papers that explore experiences from application developers in the use of the language and performance of real applications, experiences in the implementation of tools supporting the development and parallelization of applications or supporting the final execution on different computing platforms. We also welcome experiences in moving ideas and concepts from one programming model to another.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to,

* Language and library implementations.
* Proposals for, and evaluation of, language extensions.
* Applications development experiences.
* Comparisons between programming models.
* Benchmark Suites and performance studies.
* Debuggers and performance analysis tools.
* Compiler Implementation and Optimization.
* Optimization Techniques.
​* Performance Portability.
* Hybrid Models (OpenMP-MPI etc.)

Please submit full papers via the PPAM Conference submission system(formatted according to the PPAM specification), not previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

Submissions should be prepared for double-blind review, i.e., without author names or other identifying material. Authors should refer to themselves in the third person when citing their own work.

Please acknowledge the workshop chair (address below) by sending an email include a cover page with the title, abstract, names and e-mail of the authors. Please submit pdf-files.

Journal Special Issue:

The authors of the best articles selected by the program committee and the guest editors will be invited to submit extended versions of their work to a special issue that will be published in the Parallel Computing Journal , Elsevier (approved).

Ami Marowka
Parallel Research Lab, Israel


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