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ICAR 2014 : III International Conference on Antimicrobial Research


When Oct 1, 2014 - Oct 3, 2014
Where Madrid
Submission Deadline Jun 30, 2014
Categories    antimicrobial research   microbiology   life sciences

Call For Papers

The III International Conference on Antimicrobial Research - ICAR2014, which will be held in the Faculty of Medicine - Complutense University (Madrid, Spain) from 1 to 3 October 2014, will be a forum to communicate current research priorities and progress, and to identify new approaches and research opportunities in the following fields:

- Antimicrobial natural products;
- Antimicrobial microbes;
- Bacteriophages;
- Biofilms;
- Antimicrobial materials science and surface chemistry. Antimicrobials in consumer products;
- Antimicrobial chemistry;
- Non-antibiotic biocides;
- Antimicrobial physics;
- Clinical and medical microbiology, infectious diseases and antimicrobials. Public health;
- Strengthening of innate immune system as antimicrobial strategy;
- Antimicrobial resistance. Mechanisms of action of antimicrobial agents;
- Attenuation of virulence as antimicrobial strategy
- Techniques and methods;

Please, take some time to read the detailed list of topics proposed for the conference at:

If you are interested in presenting your most relevant recent research results at the conference, we now welcome proposals for oral, poster or virtual presentations. Get all details about 'Abstract Submission' in the Call for Papers section on the conference website at:

It is in the spirit of this conference to attract researchers from a broad range of academic disciplines that are contributing in the fighting against harmful microorganisms, not only those more traditionally involved in this research area (microbiologists, biochemists, genetists, clinicians...), but also experimental and theoretical/computational chemists (rational design of antimicrobial compounds, chemical synthesis, analogs, surface modification of materials...), physicists (radiation, nano-emulsions (surface tension), ultrasounds, antimicrobial materials, properties of nano-materials...) or engineers (technologies).

ICAR2014 consolidates a series of conferences, whose last edition, held in Lisbon (Portugal) in 2012, received nearly 700 abstracts submitted for presentation and attracted around 425 researchers from nearly 60 countries. We expect this year’s edition to be as successful as the previous one in terms of quality, relevance and attendance.

Important deadlines:
- Early registration:  12 June 2014;
- Abstract submission for oral presentation (15'):  30 June 2014;
- Abstract submission for poster or virtual presentation:  30 July 2014;
- Late registration:  26 August 2014;
- Full paper submission (Proceedings Book):  22 October 2014;

Publications-Dissemination of presented works:
- Abstract Book: A book of abstracts will be produced including all the proposals presented at the conference. Every registered participant will receive a paperback copy at the beginning of the conference. Have a look at the book of abstracts of the previous edition at:

- Proceedings: The proceedings of the meeting will be formally released as a book that will be published by an international publisher, which will ensure an adequate international distribution and availability of the book. Deadline for full paper submission: 22 October 2014.
The proceedings of the previous edition, titled "Worldwide Research Efforts in the Fighting against Microbial Pathogens: From Basic Research to Technological Developments", were published by BrownWalker Press in 2013.

To keep you informed about all conference details, please fill the pre-registration form at:

We look forward to receiving your proposals for presentation at the conference.
Best regards,
Aurora Solano
ICAR2014 Conference
Formatex Research Center
Phone: +34 924258615; Fax: +34 924263053

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