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PDIT 2011 : Public Displays as Interactive TV - A Truly Public Communication Media 2011


When Jun 29, 2011 - Jun 29, 2011
Where Lisbon, Portugal
Submission Deadline Mar 14, 2011
Notification Due Apr 11, 2011
Categories    public displays   interactive tv

Call For Papers

CfP: EuroITV 2011 Workshop: Public Displays as Interactive TV - A Truly Public Communication Media (PDIT2011)
**** *****
**** papers are due March 14, 2011 ****

=== Summary and Theme ===
The falling prices of LCD technologies have led to a proliferation of large public displays. Today, most of these displays
show simple slide shows or loop through a set of movies yet efforts are underway to network these displays together on a
global scale. By embedding TV content and making it more interactive they could create a new communication media with the same
impact on the society as radio, TV, and the Internet. The combination of public displays, TV content, and human computer
interaction would be the foundation for Public Displays as Interactive TV (PDIT) - A truly public communication media. By
joining together experts from a variety of scientific domains, i.e., User Experience (UX), HCI, ubiquitous computing, public
displays, and Interactive TV, it will create the opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences on different aspects of PDIT.
The overall aim of the workshop is to create a common base as well as further extend the research agenda for PDIT both from a
scientific, as well as from an industrial perspective. It targets the development of a better view of PDIT within different
scientific domains as well as shared overlapping aspects.

=== The topics of interest can be categorized in 4 areas. ===

1) Technology enabling PDIT
Enabling technologies, software architectures, and protocols for networked public displays and ITV
Mobile devices and public displays as enabling technology for PDIT
ITV content distribution mechanisms
Frameworks and toolkits for public displays and ITV

2) ITV content for public displays
Content presentation and generation to fit public ITV
Adaption of old as well as novel content types for ITV
Advertising with ITV on public display
Multimedia interfaces, ITV entertainment, ITV gaming, ITV news, ITV movies

3) Interaction with ITV in public places
User engagement within a public setting
Interaction concepts and metaphors for public space ITV
ITV, localization, and personalization

4) Applications and impact
New applications for ITV
Exploitation of social networking within the ITV
ITV for crowds and events
Understanding the impact of ITV in public space on a larger society as well as local culture
Understanding of UX of ITV in a holistic way
Experience Design for ITV

=== Organizers ===
* Nemanja Memarovic, University of Lugano (USI), Switzerland
* Rui Jose, University of Minho, Portugal
* Albrecht Schmidt, University of Stuttgart, Germany

=== Goals and Expected Audience ===
Goals of this workshop are the following:
Bringing together researchers and practitioners to discuss the public ITV aspects of HCI.
Creating a common understanding and perspective of the challenges related to UX and public ITV.
Propose perspectives on how to address these challenges in future research and development of interactive systems.
Develop a research agenda, i.e., which system, HCI, and UX related issues (e.g. models, factors, measurements) for
public ITV are important to be researched within the next five years.

The workshop is intended for:
HCI researcher in general, who are interested specifically in the open public ITV context
Ubicomp researcher working with mobile phones and public displays
UX experts, who are willing to adapt UX models and extend UX factors for the specific
characteristics of open public ITV
Public display designers and engineers both from a scientific, as well as from an industrial perspective
Software engineers interested in supporting architectures for networked public displays and ITV

=== Submission Formats ===
Workshop candidates are requested to send a position paper (no longer than 4 pages in the CHI extended abstract format) about
their research (to be included in one of the sessions described above) and link to the workshop theme to the organizers.
Participants will be selected on the basis of the relevance of their work and interests and familiarity with the topic.
We encourage participants to bring demonstration and videos along with their paper.

Please send your submission via EasyChair submission system as a PDF (
The papers should be formatted according to the SIGCHI extended abstracts Format (

=== Timeline and Deadlines ===
March 14, 2011 - Submission deadline of workshop papers
April 11, 2011 - Notification of acceptance
June 29, 2011 - Workshop at EuroITV.2011

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