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AVANCA | CINEMA 2017 : AVANCA | CINEMA 2017 - International Conference Cinema – Art, Technology, Communication


When Jul 26, 2017 - Jul 30, 2017
Where Avanca, Estarreja, Portugal
Submission Deadline Feb 5, 2017
Notification Due Mar 31, 2017
Categories    cinema   art   communication   technology

Call For Papers

Abstracts submission should be made until 5 February 2017.

In July 2017 the AVANCA | CINEMA Conference celebrates its 8th edition confirming that this is one of the leading conference in the field of cinema. Researchers are invited to present their studies in this space of dissemination and sharing of academic research.

The proceedings book of the last edition with its 1280 pages keeps for future memory the most diverse research that is being undertaken all over the world on cinema and its relationship with art, technology and communication.

Year by year the double blind review has been ensuring the quality of the works offered in the Conference program and this is a meeting point for all those who dedicate themselves to the cinema.

The vast and diverse program represents one of the strong points of this event organization. The participants can choose between film screenings, workshops, book releases, round tables, and plenary and parallel sessions. During these five days cinema is everywhere and it is difficult to select different activities.

The singularity of its conjunction with the Avanca Film Festival renders it a unique experience for all those who participate in this movie summer party.

New projects, new approaches, and the magic of cinema will inspire everyone!

The authors are invited to submit works in the following topics mentioned below (but not restricted to these):

Cinema – Art
The arts and memory;
Performative arts;
Plastic arts and cinematography;
Critic and cinematography theory;
Screenplay writing and creativity;
Aesthetic and semiotic;
History and love of the cinema;
Literature and cinema;
Music and sound in cinema;

Cinema – Technology
Spaces architecture;
Subtitling, dubbing, and audio-description;
Idioms for minorities;
New technologies and cinema;
The place of internet;
Supports, formats and new “media”;

Cinema – Communication
Cinema and pedagogy;
Social Communication, public space and society;
Economy and marketing;
Academic and professional education;
Social Internet and filmic space;
Audiovisual policy;

Cinema – Cinema
Documental cinema;
Fiction between real image and animation;
Biographies, filmographies and genres;
Cinematographic and audiovisual production;

Abstracts submission should be made until 5 February 2017 through the entry form available here.

The abstracts submission must follow these parameters:
- Between 100 and 250 words in English;
- Title in one of the four official languages and in English;
- 5 key-words in English.

The conference has four official languages: Portuguese, English, Spanish and French.

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