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UIST 2012 : ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology


Conference Series : User Interface Software and Technology
When Oct 7, 2012 - Oct 10, 2012
Where Cambridge, Massachusetts
Submission Deadline Apr 13, 2012
Notification Due May 25, 2012
Final Version Due Jun 11, 2012
Categories    HCI   interaction   technology

Call For Papers

UIST (ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology) is the premier forum for innovations in the software and technology of human-computer interfaces. Sponsored by ACM's special interest groups on computer-human interaction (SIGCHI) and computer graphics (SIGGRAPH), UIST brings together researchers and practitioners from diverse areas that include traditional graphical & web user interfaces, tangible & ubiquitous computing, virtual & augmented reality, multimedia, new input & output devices, and CSCW. The intimate size, single track, and comfortable surroundings make this symposium an ideal opportunity to exchange research results and implementation experiences.

Accepted papers will be published in the UIST 2012 Conference Proceedings and the UIST 2012 Video Proceedings, and will be included in the ACM Digital Library. The primary author of each accepted paper will receive an Author Kit with detailed instructions on how to submit a final, publication-ready version of the paper. Accepted demos and posters will be made available to the conference attendees digitally.

We recommend that prospective authors consult the UIST 2012 Author's Guide. This document contains information on the reviewing process and a description of what constitutes an excellent UIST contribution, including the page format for all submissions.

We only accept electronic submissions. To submit, see the UIST Electronic Submission site (

Videos accompanying submissions should be submitted through the UIST Electronic Submission Site. Although papers must stand on their own, submitted videos will be sent to reviewers as supporting material. We refer authors preparing a video for UIST to the Video Guide. Please do not be intimidated by the guide. Videos are viewed only as supporting material, and authors of accepted papers will have the opportunity to prepare a more polished final video presentation for inclusion in the DVD proceedings and as supplemental material in the ACM Digital Library.

When submitting your video for review, please encode your video in a format that works across as many platforms as possible without the installation of additional codecs (i.e., it is best if your video will play on vanilla versions of Windows Media Player and/or Quicktime player). Please note that the total aggregate size for a submission cannot exceed 50 MBytes (including all documents and additional material).

Papers are the main medium for conveying new research results at UIST. Submissions are sought that describe original, unpublished work on user interface interaction techniques, services, devices, applications, or metaphors. UIST uses an anonymous submission process (similar to CHI) for paper submissions. Please consult the UIST 2012 Author's Guide for information on paper format and UIST's policies on previous and simultaneous publications. Note that paper submissions are anonymous! Authors must remove author names and affiliations from the masthead. We also strongly encourage them to refer to their own previous work in third person. See the anonymization policy for more information.

Appropriate topics include but are not limited to:
•Significantly novel enabling technologies such as innovative input devices, displays, new interaction techniques, or new media that extend the boundaries of traditional interaction, such as natural user interfaces and interactions, augmented reality, mobile interaction, ubiquitous computing (including wearables), social software, and computer-supported collaborative work.
•Innovative user interfaces for difficult interaction contexts or challenging applications. Examples include managing large, complex information sets, usable privacy and security, multi-user interaction, crowdsourcing, or techniques that span devices distributed in time and space.
•Breakthrough user experiences leveraging techniques such as machine learning, computer vision, computer graphics, speech processing, networking, or human perception and cognition.
•Innovative software architectures, design tools, toolkits, programming systems and development environments that support the development and use of the above technologies in user interfaces.

Authors of all accepted papers will also be invited to participate in the demo session.

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