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CHI 2013 : 31th Human Factors in Computing Systems


Conference Series : Human Factors in Computing Systems
When Apr 27, 2013 - May 2, 2013
Where Paris, France
Submission Deadline Sep 19, 2012

Call For Papers

The ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems is the premier international conference on human-computer interaction.CHI 2013 is about changing perspectives: we draw from the constantly changing perspectives of the diverse CHI community and beyond, but we also change perspectives, offering new visions of people interacting with technology. The conference is multidisciplinary, drawing from science, engineering and design, with contributions from research and industry in 15 different venues. CHI brings together students and experts from over 60 countries, representing different cultures and different application areas, whose diverse perspectives influence each other.

CHI 2013 is located in vibrant Paris, France, the most visited city in the world. First in Europe in research and development, with the highest concentration of higher education students in Europe, Paris is a world-class center for business and culture, with over 3800 historical monuments.The Louvre’s pyramid captures the spirit of CHI’13, offering diverse perspectives on design and technology, contrasting the old and new. The simple glass sides reveal inner complexity, sometimes transparent, sometimes reflecting the people and buildings that surround it, in the constantly changing Paris light.

CHI 2013 welcomes works addressing research on all aspects of human-computer interaction (HCI), as well as case studies of interactive system designs, innovative proof-of-concept, and presentations by experts on the latest challenges and innovations in the field. In addition to a long-standing focus on professionals in design, engineering, management, and user experience; this year's conference has made special efforts to serve communities in the areas of: design, management, engineering, user experience, arts, sustainability, children, games and health. We look forward to seeing you at CHI 2013 in Paris!

General Conference Chair:
Wendy E. Mackay
Research Director
INSITU lab, INRIA, France.

Technical Program Co-Chair:
Patrick Baudisch
Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany.

Technical Program Co-Chair:
Michel Beaudouin-Lafon
Professor, Université Paris-Sud, France.

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