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UP-STAT 2012 : First Joint Mini Conference of the Upstate Chapters of the American Statistical Association (ASA)


When Mar 31, 2012 - Mar 31, 2012
Where Rochester, NY
Abstract Registration Due Feb 29, 2012
Submission Deadline Feb 27, 2012
Notification Due Mar 9, 2012
Final Version Due Mar 19, 2012
Categories    statistics   education   computing   applied statistics

Call For Papers

Call for Papers

First Joint Mini Conference of the Upstate Chapters of the American Statistical Association

Rochester, NY, March 31st, 2012

You are cordially invited to submit a contributed research or review paper to the First Joint Mini Conference of the Upstate Chapters of the American Statistical Association, which will be held at Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, NY, March 31st, 2012

The theme for this year’s meeting is “Harnessing the Power of Statistics Education.” We are interested in all submissions that demonstrate the variety of ways in which statistics can be made more accessible to students at all levels.
 Novel approaches to statistics instruction - If you have taught statistical concepts at any level using various approaches, and have noticed the superiority or even just the distinct effectiveness of a particular method of instruction, we strongly encourage you to consider submitting a manuscript dealing with your findings.
 Applications as bridges to statistical concepts - If you are an applied statistician working in academia or in industry, and have worked on case studies that can help learners gain insights more easily into fundamental statistical concepts, then seriously consider submitting a manuscript. Applications from sports, medicine, engineering, education, psychology, consumers, politics, social sciences, etc… provide great ways to introduce foundational concepts of statistics
 Impact of Technology in Statistics Education - We are also keenly interested in submissions dealing with the place of computers, software and the cyberspace in statistics education. Have you found it easy to teach a particular theoretical concept thanks to the use of computer simulations? Have you used various statistical software packages and would like to share with other teachers insights about the strengths and weaknesses of those packages? Have you used some of the latest technology in distance learning? Consider writing a manuscript documenting your research work.
 Review of foundational concepts – We would also like to have some didactic submissions written in the style of the American Statistician or Statistical Science, in which authors review or clarify important statistical concepts. Can you write something about Bayesian statistics? Or Hypothesis testing? Data Mining?

As you prepare your manuscript, please keep in mind that the focus is not on technical rigor, but instead on clarity of exposition and ease of access by our audience, which will have a substantial number of students and AP Statistics teachers. As a matter of fact, we strongly encourage AP teachers and students to participate actively.

Manuscripts must at most 4 pages long, and should be prepared in accordance with the template provided on the conference website at Your paper should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

The deadline for the submission of manuscript is February 27, 2012, and notification of acceptance will be sent out on March 9, 2012

To submit your manuscript, please send a pdf version of it to the chair of the conference organizing committee, Dr Ernest Fokoué, eMail: Please indicate ASA–Upstate Manuscript as your title

This year, we are tremendously fortunate to have Professor Jason Hsu from the Department of Statistics at The Ohio State University as our keynote speaker. Professor Hsu vast experience in research, consulting and teaching will set the tone for the meeting, and we strongly encourage you to attend his keynote lecture.

Please, be sure to visit the conference website at for more details on registration and other important aspects of the conference.

We eagerly look forward to seeing you at the Mini Conference at RIT on March 31st, 2012

Chair - Organizing Committee

Dr Ernest Fokoue
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester, NY, USA

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