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MoRoCo 2013 : Workshop MoRoCo - Models and their Role in Collaboration in conjunction with ECSCW 2013


When Sep 22, 2013 - Sep 22, 2013
Where Paphos, Cyprus
Abstract Registration Due Jun 14, 2013
Submission Deadline Jun 28, 2013
Notification Due Jul 31, 2013
Categories    collaboration   CSCW   modeling   BPM

Call For Papers

New Deadline: 07th July 2013

Call for Papers

Workshop "MoRoCo - Models and their Role in Collaboration" at ECSCW 2013



Alexander Nolte, Michael Prilla; University of Bochum, Germany
Peter Rittgen; BorÂs University, Sweden
Stefan Oppl; Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria

---Workshop Content---

Using visual representations of work or business processes can be considered a common practice in modern organizations. These models serve a large variety of different purposes such as documentation of current practices, or informing and planning change or software development. Given the nature of work and businesses they reflect it is reasonable to develop and use them collaboratively. There are, however, also many downsides to collaborative model usage and development in current practice. Among others, models are often not fully understood and are thus not used by people who work in the processes the models represent, resulting in limited impact of process redesigns on everyday work. Furthermore, only a minority of people within organizations actually use, even though they have been proven to be very useful especially for collaborative work. Given the increasing popularity of models in organizations, understanding and defining their role in collaboration is of vital interest for the CSCW community and therefore this workshop aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners and forming a community for research in this area.

In this workshop we want to bring together researchers, lecturers and practitioners from different fields, who are interested in the collaborative usage and development and sustainment of structured visual representations such as process models, conceptual models or mind maps. This includes experiences from empirical case studies, teaching and the introduction of models and modeling into organizations. Furthermore the workshop also welcomes contributions describing research upon understanding the way models are used in organizations, coupled with activities and artifacts of everyday work and their role in collaborative work. The workshop will also host a special demo track where systems supporting collaboration on and with models can be presented.


The overall goal of the workshop is to build a large picture of research on the role that models play in collaborative work including their usage and sustainment as well as their development in order to set up a common research agenda among the participants. The topics of the workshop thus include but are not restricted to:
- The process of cooperative modeling: design cycles, model negotiation, view integration, roles of participants in modeling, team organization, etc.
- Sustaining model usage and maintenance in organizations
- Motivating involvement and active usage of models
- Involving non-experts in model development and usage
- Increasing the range of involvement: from core stakeholders to all stakeholders
- Coupling models with activities and entities of work
- Roles of models for collaboration e.g. guides / maps
- Models as instruments for consensus building
- The role of models in spanning inter or intra organizational boundaries
- Integrating visual modeling and model dialogues in natural language
- ìMetaî-modeling: structuring the dialogue around models
- Access to models: Creating a model friendly cooperation environment
- Alignment of different understandings about collaborative work during modeling
- Empirical evidence for positive effects of modeling and model use


We will accept contributions in two different formats:

- Research papers such as reports of empirical studies, research in progress and position papers which may not exceed 8 pages.
- Demo papers describing systems for collaboration on and with models which may not exceed 3 pages. As there will be a special track during the workshop upon these systems we expect you to bring your system or a poster to the workshop.

All contributions have to be formatted according to the ECSCW formatting instructions and must be submitted in PDF format via EasyChair (

Author kits and paper templates are available at the ECSCW website (

The selection process will be a double blind review through an international program committee.

All accepted paper will be published electronically at CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Means for further publications of the results are currently in the planning and will be reported on the workshop website once agreements with journal editors have been reached.

The papers of the previous workshop on "Collaborative usage and development of models and visualization" at ECSCW 2011 are available online at Selected papers from the workshop will be published in the next few months in a special issue of the International Journal for eCollaboration.

For more and up to date information on the workshop please visit the workshop website:

---Important Dates---

July 07: Paper submission deadline
July 31: Acceptance notification
August 9: Early registration deadline for ECSCW 2013

---Program committee---

Christian Bartelt, Clausthal University of Technology, Germany
Eike Bernhard, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Sebastian Dˆweling, SAP Research Darmstadt, Germany
Stijn Hoppenbrouwers, HAN University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands
John Krogstie, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Stephan Lukosch, TU Delft, Netherlands
Jan Mendling, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
Hajo Reijers, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
EtiÎnne Rouwette, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
Barbara Weber, University of Innsbruck, Austria


The ECSCW 2013 conference will be held at the Coral Beach Hotel and Resort in Paphos, Cyprus from 21 to 25 September 2013. ECSCW is a bi-annual, international conference series. Since 1989, it has engaged researchers and scholars from academia and industry with high quality presentations and intense discussions ( ECSCW is interested in cooperative settings in the workplace, in everyday life, and the civic society, and across boundaries between these spheres of life. Submissions should address the unfolding practices of everyday work and life, and the application of computing technologies in these practices. Papers may also focus on design of such technologies or on historical accounts of use. With design is meant processes, methods, and outcoming artifacts. ECSCW solicits reports reflecting a rich variety of quantitative and qualitative research methods, including field studies and participatory approaches.

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