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WOLSIE 2012 : Workshop On Large Scale Intelligent Environments


When Jun 26, 2012 - Jun 27, 2012
Where Guanajuato, Mexico
Submission Deadline Mar 19, 2012
Notification Due Apr 16, 2012
Final Version Due Apr 30, 2012
Categories    intelligent environments   ambient intelligence   ubiquitous computing   pervasive computing

Call For Papers

(apology if you receive this announcement through multiple lists)

Workshop On Large-Scale Intelligent Environments (WOLSIE)

to be held within the
8th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE'12)
Guanajuato, Mexico, 26-29 of June 2012

Important Dates
19th March 2012 - Submission deadline
16th April 2012 - Notification of acceptance
30th April 2012 - Final versions due
26-27th June 2012 - Workshop dates

As technology permeates into every aspect of our lives and becomes embedded in the environments that we encounter on a daily basis, the dreams for a world of ubiquitous computing are being realised. Augmented by the deployment of artificial intelligence, the technology rich spaces that surround us are given an ambient intelligence where software samples the real world, reasons with available information and pro-actively takes action. Much work has been done in this area as reflected by the literature, but as we delve further, the scale of the environments we envision increases. This workshop is intended to focus specifically on the challenges related to scaling-up intelligent environments research “beyond four walls”.

Within the context of this workshop, we consider an Intelligent Environment (IE) to be a ubiquitous computing deployment, preferably (but not necessarily) with some form of ambient intelligence. And so, a “large-scale” IE (LSIE) goes beyond the size of “normal” experimental labs and can be defined as adhering to one or more of the following characteristics:
* Monolithic : Large ubiquitous computing environments that exist as a whole and typically contain several physical sub-spaces (e.g. multi-room apartment, entire building, campus, town, city, etc.).
* Composite : Environments composed of multiple geographically or organisationally separated IEs that are electronically joined to form a larger compound. For example, a building that is not a monolithic IE, but composed of several independent IEs, or a “virtual University” that is composed of several classrooms from different countries and electronically linked to transcend their physical separation.
* Virtual-reality : Software simulations that are entirely virtual and model an IE on the scale of at least a multi-room / multi-floor building.
* Mixed-reality : Physical Environments that are extended / reflected by some component of virtual reality to enlarge their scale.

The smallest LSIE we consider in this workshop would be a multi-room apartment, but it is anticipated that the typical scale would be that of a multi-floor building, and at the larger scale go beyond four walls to the campus, town or even city scale.

We are interested in papers that present new and novel approaches to the core problem area and are especially interested in real-world deployments (i.e. “living-labs”), experimental results and technology or software that facilitates the transition of users and their digital assets / profiles as they roam between IEs.

We are keen to encourage the submission of papers from a wide variety of backgounds and perspectives that relate to Large Scale Intelligent Environments in both research and industry. The following list gives an overview of some example topics :
- Infrastructure & Middleware
- Formal methods & Modelling
- Simulation and Virtualisation
- Agent-based approaches to AmI
- Applications
- Proof-of-concept and demonstration deployments
- Asset / Resource management and access control
- Responsive / Active architecture
- Mixed reality
- Context awareness
- Activity recognition
- Profile management / handling for single & multi users
- Conflict resolution among differing user preferences
- Intelligent interactive systems
- Multi-modal interfaces
- Mobile / Portable applications
- User evaluation and social studies.

Authors wishing to participate to this event should:

(1) Format their papers according to the IOS Press style, with a length
of at least 6 but no more than 12 pages. Latex and Word templates can be
found in:

(2) Submit the papers using the CMT account for this workshop

See more details on this from the web page of the workshop.

All submitted papers will be reviewed by several reviewers with expertise
in the area in order to provide constructive feedback to their authors and
select the best ones for their presentation in the workshop and their
publication in the proceedings.

Workshop Chairs
James Dooley, University of Essex, UK (
Matt Ball, University of Essex, UK (
Mohammad Al-Mulla, Kuwait University, Kuwait (

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