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ASER 2016 : 5th Edition of International Symposium on Advancing Socio-Economic Research - Virtual Edition


When May 13, 2016 - May 14, 2016
Where Romania, Bucharest
Abstract Registration Due Mar 31, 2016
Submission Deadline Apr 17, 2016
Notification Due Apr 7, 2016
Final Version Due Apr 17, 2016
Categories    economics   socio-economic research   global challenges

Call For Papers

The objective of the symposium is to provide a virtual forum for researchers and academics from all over the world to present their research results and achievements in the line of socio-economic research. This virtual symposium aims to promote the sharing of good practice and transnational cooperation in socio-economic research in the context of Europe 2020 and global challenges, and to provide opportunities for participants to exchange ideas virtually, to establish a virtual research community and to find partners for future cooperation.

The symposium will also be an excellent opportunity for the presentation of recent or current research projects, contributing to an in-depth understanding of the complex and interrelated socio-economic challenges facing Europe in these times of challenge and change, when knowledge has become a key driver of economic growth and jobs creation.
A special attention will be paid to young researchers PhD students and Post Docs.

They are also invited to see the details about: INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION:

We welcome papers on the following topics (but not limited to):
■ global challenges - climate change, energy, food security, biodiversity conservation
■ social and cultural challenges of migration in EU
■ incorporation of immigrants into the labor market in EU
■ business, economics, innovation and technology
■ entrepreneurship and conditions for business creation and growth
■ innovation systems and strategies, innovation policy
■ social innovation, social business, social cohesion
■ welfare, social and territorial cohesion
■ income distribution and poverty
■ rural / agricultural development
■ territorial / community development
■ smart, sustainable and inclusive growth
■ emergent industries, cluster dynamics, sectorial change
■ market development & intelligence
■ finance & investment
■ private investment - angel investment, crowd funding, seed capital
■ knowledge management, creativity management
■ education, training, mobility
■ complex carrier choices and diversification
■ apprenticeship in work-based learning
■ research, career development of researchers
■ human capital, social capital
■ crossing disciplinary boundaries in socio-economic research
■ pioneering and frontier ideas in socio-economic research

Publication and Indexing:
Authors whose abstracts have been accepted should submit their final paper in compliance with the Guide for Authors of the Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research:, using also the recommended Paper Template. The papers ignoring this template will be returned to their author(s) for adjustment.
Accepted papers will be published in the 9th Volume (issue 1/2015) of the Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research (June 2015) .
The Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research is an online peer-reviewed scientific journal with an international Editorial Board, ISSN 2247-6172, indexed in international databases RePeC, EconLit, New Jour (Georgetown University Library), EBSCO, Index Copernicus Journals Master List, EconBiz: catalogue ECONIS of the ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics, WorldCat, Electronic Journals Library - Universitat Regensburg, ERIH PLUS, listed in Academic Reference and Research Index - web directory and search engine and in Google Scholar search engine, and submitted in 2014 for evaluation to Thomson Reuters. You can see the Current Issue at:

For Registration and further details, please see:


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