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PROCAMS 2012 : 9th IEEE International Workshop on Projector-Camera Systems


When Jun 16, 2012 - Jun 21, 2012
Where Providence, RI, USA
Submission Deadline Mar 18, 2012
Notification Due Apr 22, 2012
Final Version Due May 1, 2012
Categories    computer vision   image processing   optical   augmented reality

Call For Papers

Call for Papers - PROCAMS 2012

9th IEEE International Workshop on Projector-Camera Systems
to be held in conjunction with CVPR 2012
in Providence, Rhode Island

June 16th, 17th, or 21st, 2012

Systems that combine controllable lighting systems with light-sensing
devices facilitate a wide range of applications. Examples include 3D
scanning, flexible display walls, novel display interaction,
reflectance field capture, optical communication, and artistic
creations. While this workshop uses the term "projector-camera
system", it should be understood to encompass any approach that
employs an active, controllable light source, ranging from LEDs to an
array of light projectors, together with any light-sensing device,
ranging from a simple photo-sensor to an array of high-resolution
cameras. The PROCAMS workshop series serves as an annual gathering
place for researchers and practitioners who use, build, and design
computational illumination and imaging systems for a wide variety of
uses. The workshop solicits papers, posters, and demo submissions on
all topics relating to projector-camera systems.

--- Topics ---

PROCAMS 2012 invites technical paper submissions on the topics listed
below. A best paper award will be given to the top technical paper
selected by the program committee. This year's workshop places
emphasis on (but is not limited to) all technical, systems, and
theoretical aspects related to projector-camera (light source/sensing)
systems used in the following areas:

* Scene Capture
- Structured light for scene capture
- Computational illumination
- 3D geometry, reflectance, and motion capture

* Display
- Projector-based display systems
- Geometric and radiometric calibration

* Augmentation and Interaction
- Spatially augmented reality
- User interface and novel applications

* Mobility
- Personal/pocket projectors
- Mobile phone projector systems

* Optical Communication
- Data transfer via projector-camera systems
- Pattern coding

* Art and Aesthetics
- Projector-based art
- Controllable ambient lighting

* Applications of Projector Camera Systems
- Description and characterization of systems in use
today in advanced projector-camera research

--- Deadlines ---

Paper submission deadline: March 18, 2012
Paper acceptance notification: April 22, 2012
Final version due: May 1, 2012

--- Submission System ---

We will use the CMT software from Microsoft for managing the paper
submission and review process. Please see

--- Workshop Organizers and Chairs ---

Kari Pulli
Senior Director
NVIDIA Research

Ivo Ihrke
Senior Researcher
Universitaet des Saarlandes / MPI Informatik

--- Keynote Speakers ---


--- Program Committee ---

Amit Agrawal MERL USA
Daniel Aliaga Purdue University USA
Oliver Bimber Johannes Kepler University Linz Austria
Tat Jen Cham Nanyang Technological University Singapore
Nelson Chang Hewlett-Packard Labs USA
Abhijeet Ghosh USC Institute for Creative Technologies USA
Jinwei Gu Rochester Institute of Technology USA
Mohit Gupta Columbia University USA
Sam Hasinoff Google USA
Wolfgang Heidrich University of British Columbia Canada
Christopher Jaynes Mersive Technologies USA
Andrew Jones USC Institute for Creative Technologies USA
Sanjeev Koppal Harvard University USA
Kyros Kutulakos University of Toronto Canada
Hendrik Lensch Tuebingen University Germany
Yebin Liu Tsinghua University China
Aditi Majumder University of California, Irvine USA
Yasuyuki Matsushita Microsoft Research Asia China
Srinivas Narasimhan Carnegie Mellon University USA
Pieter Peers College of William and Mary USA
Yoav Schechner Technion Israel Institute of Technology Israel
Pradeep Sen University of New Mexico USA
Rahul Sukthankar Carnegie Mellon University / Google Research USA
Rajeev Surati Scalable Display Technologies USA
Christian Theobalt MPI Informatik Germany
Ruigang Yang University of Kentucky USA
Shuntaro Yamazaki AIST Japan
Jingyi Yu University of Delaware USA
Li Zhang University of Wisconsin USA

--- Sponsors ---


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