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JTAER 2012 : The Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research is planning a special issue on RFID: towards Ubiquitous Computing & the web of Things


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Nov 30, 2012
Notification Due Feb 1, 2013
Final Version Due May 1, 2013
Categories    RFID   ubiquitous computing   web of things

Call For Papers

Call for Papers: RFID: towards Ubiquitous Computing & the Web of Things

The Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research is planning a special issue on RFID: towards Ubiquitous Computing & the web of Things.

Guest editors; Ygal Bendavid, Samuel Fosso Wamba, and Joseph Barjis

Continuous improvements in technological performance, combined with maturing applications and decreasing prices have contributed to the pervasive adoption of Automated Identification Technology such as bar codes and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology. Following its incubation period, today RFID technology adoption can be seen in various domains making its diffusion global and cross industries and national borders. Over the last 10 years, RFID application is witnessing a significant growth in almost each sector. RFID Item-Level Tagging (ILT) initiatives are extensively deployed in sectors such as apparel and footwear - with companies such as Gerry Weber International, American Apparel, Macy, JC Penney, and Wal-Mart leading the movement.

Adoption of RFID is closely related to various concepts such as Ubiquitous computing (Ubi-comp), the Internet of Things (IoT), and Web of Things (WoT) or the Web of Things and People (WoTaP), where a tagged object can communicate electronically, in real time, with its environment through the global infrastructure of wireless Internet. As sensors and intelligence are added to physical objects, this opens the way to innovative electronic commerce business models and transformation of modern enterprises and their relationship with their constituencies.

Effective application and adoption of these new models and technologies pose a host of research questions requiring scientific intervention.

This special issue of JTAER aims to gather new theoretical and/or qualitative-empirical results addressing some of these research questions. While contributions in the domain of e-commerce/e-business are welcome, technical aspects of RFID (e.g., RFID circuit or antennas designs, modulation schemes for RFID, RFID electromagnetic field measurements) are not within the scope.

Subject Coverage

Relevant topics in the domain of electronic commerce, electronic business, and technology-driven enterprise transformation to be addressed in this issue might include, but are not limited to the following.

1. RFID enabled e-commerce business models
• RFID & the EPC Network
• RFID & The Internet of Things (IoT)
• RFID & Ubiquitous Computing (Ubi-Comp) / Pervasive computing
• RFID and the Web of Things (WoT)/ Web of Things and People (WoTaP)
2. RFID-enabled enterprise and network transformation
• RFID-enabled electronic business models
• RFID-enabled Web Service modeling and management
• RFID-enabled e-commerce processes
3. RFID-enabled e-Supply Chain Management (eSCM)
• RFID enabled e-logistic management
• RFID enabled Tracking & Tracing in the e-supply chain
• Real time data capture in the e-supply chain: applications and implications
4. RFID operational business intelligence
• RFID data management & analytics for supporting e-commerce practices
• RFID and ambient intelligence & distributed computing
• RFID Embedded Smart Objects
5. Near Field Communication (NFC) technology and e-commerce applications.
• NFC e-commerce adoption
• NFC e-commerce & M-commerce based applications
6. Focused empirical studies, on specific topics within the field of RFID
• Empirical studies of adopters using RFID to support B2B e-commerce transactions
• Case Studies of RFID e-commerce enabled applications and implications

Notes for Intending Authors

Authors are invited to submit original and significant research contributions in the aforementioned areas. Papers should not be previously published, or currently submitted for consideration elsewhere.

Accepted manuscripts must conform to the journal format (see
All submissions will be reviewed according to the journal peer-review policy.
The special issue is tentatively planned for print in August 2013.

Author guidelines can be found at All submissions will be refereed by at least three reviewers. Submissions should be directed by email to with copy to ; J.Barjis@TUDelft.NL

For more information, please visit the following web site:

Important dates

­ Full paper submission: No later than 30th November 2012
­ Notification of acceptance: February 1st 2013
­ Revisions: Due by 15thMarch 2013
­ Final acceptance notification: No later than 15th April 2013
­ Camera ready version of paper: May 1st 2013
­ Publication: August 2013

Guest Editors

Dr. Ygal Bendavid
Université du Québec À Montréal (Canada)

Dr. Samuel Fosso Wamba,
University of Wollongong (Australia)
Rouen Business School (France)

Dr. Joseph Barjis
Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands)
E-mail: J.Barjis@TUDelft.NL

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