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NMR Workshop - ABC Session 2008 : Twelfth International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning, Special Session on Action and Belief Change


When Sep 13, 2008 - Sep 15, 2008
Where Sydney, NSW, Australia
Submission Deadline Jun 15, 2008
Notification Due Jul 15, 2008
Categories    reasoning about action   belief revision

Call For Papers

Sydney, Australia, September 13 - 15, 2008

Special Sub-workshop on


The problems in reasoning about actions, causality, and belief change are at
the core of the long established research on nonmonotonic reasoning. The
abilities to reason nonmonotonically, to reason about actions, and to change
one's beliefs, have been identified as fundamental high-level cognitive
functions of complex intelligent agents. After years of fruitful work and
advances, the boundaries between these areas have blurred in a way that they
are no longer discernible. Inspired then by the last NRAC workshop, the
traditional NMR ``Action and Change'' and ``Belief Change'' tracks have now
been merged into a new ``Actions and Belief Change'' sub-workshop.

Besides the traditional topics in both areas of reasoning about actions and
belief change, we also look forward to excellent work on the crossover
territory that will further promote the cross-fertilization. This would
include, for example, reasoning about complex and dynamic environments, belief
and knowledge merging under actions, multi-agent belief revision through
communication, and so on.

The specialized workshop on Action and Belief Change is a one-day event
intended to bring together researchers interested in the areas of reason about
action, causality, and belief change, and to discuss current research,
results, and problems of a theoretical, foundational or practical nature. In
particular, researchers from allied fields are encouraged to submit papers and
participate in the workshop. This workshop will be a part of the technical
program of the 12th Nonmonotonic Reasoning Workshop (NMR-08), to be held in
Sydney, Australia, just before the KR-08 and collocated with ICAPS-08 and
CP-08 conferences.


Authors are invited to submit original papers on all aspects of reasoning
about actions, causal reasoning, and belief change.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* action calculi,
* action description languages,
* causal reasoning,
* cognitive robotics,
* frame problem, ramification problem, qualification problem,
* planning,
* systems for reasoning about actions
* theoretical and philosophical foundations of belief change
* belief revision
* knowledge update
* belief and knowledge merging
* iterated belief change
* non-prioritized belief change
* multi-agent belief change and mutual belief revision
* complexity issues of belief change
* implementations and applications

We also welcome suggestions for panel discussions.


Paper submissions: June 15, 2008
Acceptance decision: July 15, 2008
Camera ready copy: August 15, 2008


All NMR-08 subworkshops have the same submission requirements. Submissions
are limited to 12 pages (excluding title page and references) of standard
LaTeX 12pt article format. Send a PDF file with the submission to one of the
organizers by e-mail ( or


Sebastian Sardina, RMIT University, Australia
Dongmo Zhang, University of Western Sydney, Australia 


Chitta Baral, Arizona State University, USA
Richard Booth, Mahasarakham University, Thailand
James Delgrande , Simon Fraser University, Canada
Eduardo Fermé University of Madeira, Portugal
Alfredo Gabaldon, National ICT Australia, Australia
Aditya Ghose, University of Wollongong, Australia
Koen Hindriks, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
John-Jules Meyer, Utrecht University, Netherlands
Pavlos Pepas, University of Patras, Greece
Laurent Perrussel, IRIT -- Toulouse, France
Guilin Qi, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Hans Rott, University of Regensburg, Germany
Mikhail Soutchanski, Ryerson University, Canada

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