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SR 2015 : Third International Workshop on Strategic Reasoning


When Sep 21, 2015 - Sep 22, 2015
Where Oxford, England
Abstract Registration Due Jul 1, 2015
Submission Deadline Jul 3, 2015
Notification Due Jul 31, 2015
Final Version Due Aug 14, 2015
Categories    multi-agent systems   game theory   formal verification   logic

Call For Papers

SR 2015 - Call For Papers
3rd International Workshop on Strategic Reasoning
Oxford, 21-22 September, 2015

Strategic reasoning is one of the most active research areas in the
multi-agent system domain. The literature in this field is extensive
and provides a plethora of logics for modelling strategic
ability. Theoretical results are now being used in many exciting
domains, including software tools for information system security,
robot teams with sophisticated adaptive strategies, and automatic
players capable of beating expert human adversary, just to cite a
few. All these examples share the challenge of developing novel
theories and tools for agent strategies that take into account the
likely behaviour of adversaries. The SR international workshop aims to
bring together researchers working on different aspects of strategic
reasoning in computer science, artificial intelligence and multi-agent
systems research, both from a theoretical and a practical viewpoint.



The topics covered by SR include, but are not limited to, the

* Logics for reasoning about strategic abilities;
* Logics for multi-agent mechanism design, verification, and synthesis;
* Logical foundations of decision theory for multi-agent systems;
* Strategic reasoning in formal verification;
* Automata theory for strategy synthesis;
* Strategic reasoning under perfect and imperfect information;
* Applications and tools for cooperative and adversarial reasoning;
* Robust planning and optimisation in multi-agent systems;
* Risk and uncertainty in multi-agent systems;
* Quantitative aspects of strategic reasoning.



Speakers so far confirmed include:

* Johan van Benthem, University of Amsterdam/Stanford University
* Joseph Halpern, Cornell University
* Marta Kwiatkowska, University of Oxford
* Moshe Vardi, Rice University



* June 1st, 2015: Submission opening

* July 1st, 2015 (strict): Abstract submission deadline
* July 3rd, 2015 (strict): Paper submission deadline

* July 31st, 2015: Acceptance notification
* August 14th, 2015: Camera-ready version deadline

* September 21st-22nd, 2015: SR 2015 workshop



Extended abstracts should be submitted not exceeding 10 pages (plus
references) in the EPTCS format. If necessary, the work may be
supplemented with a clearly marked appendix, which will be consulted
at the discretion of the PC. Submissions must be in PDF format and
will be handled via EasyChair, using the following link:

Two types of submission are invited:

* contributions reporting on novel research;
* expository contributions reporting on published work.

Each submission should be clearly identified as belonging to one
category or the other. In both categories, strong preference will be
given to papers whose topic is of interest to an interdisciplinary
audience and all contributions should be written so that they are
accessible to such an audience.

Extended abstracts will be held to the usual high standards of
research publications. In particular, they should contain enough
information to enable the PC to identify the main contribution of the
work, explain the significance of the work, its novelty, and its
practical or theoretical implications, and include comparisons with
and references to relevant literature.

Expository abstracts, which will be evaluated using similar high
standards, may survey an area or report on more specific previously
published work.

Submissions should make clear the relevance to the strategic reasoning

Submissions from PC members are also allowed. Note that, since the
workshop will have informal proceedings, extended versions of the
accepted papers can also be submitted elsewhere.



The workshop proceedings will be available as a single PDF file from
the workshop website. Extended and revised versions of the best papers
presented in the last two editions of SR have been invited for a
special issue of the Journal of Information and Computation.
In SR 2015, we plan to do the same.



Workshop Chairs

* Julian Gutierrez, University of Oxford, UK
* Fabio Mogavero, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
* Aniello Murano, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
* Michael Wooldridge, University of Oxford, UK [MAIN CONTACT]

Program Committee

* Thomas Agotnes, University of Bergen, Norway
* Natasha Alechina, University of Nottingham, UK
* Julian Bradfield, University of Edinburgh, UK
* Krishnendu Chatterjee, IST, Austria
* Vojtech Forejt, University of Oxford, UK
* Valentin Goranko, Stockholm University, Sweden
* Erich Graedel, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
* Julian Gutierrez, University of Oxford, UK
* Paul Harrenstein, University of Oxford, UK
* Andreas Herzig, CNRS, IRIT, France
* Orna Kupferman, Hebrew University, Israel
* Salvatore La Torre, University of Salerno, Italy
* Jerome Lang, LAMSADE, France
* Alessio Lomuscio, Imperial College London, UK
* Enrico Marchioni, University of Oxford, UK
* Nicolas Markey, LSV, CNRS, and ENS Cachan, France
* John-Jules Meyer, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
* Andrzej Murawski, University of Warwick, UK
* Luke Ong, University of Oxford, UK
* Sophie Pinchinat, IRISA Rennes, France
* Nikos Tzevelekos, Queen Mary University of London, UK
* Wiebe Van Der Hoek, University of Liverpool, UK
* Igor Walukiewicz, CNRS, LaBRI, France

Local Arrangements Committee

* Vojtech Forejt, University of Oxford, UK
* Julian Gutierrez, University of Oxford, UK
* Paul Harrenstein, University of Oxford, UK
* Enrico Marchioni, University of Oxford, UK
* Michael Wooldridge, University of Oxford, UK

Related Resources

ICCBR 2025   33rd International Conference on Case-based Reasoning
COCOON 2025   Computing and Combinatorics Conference
UR@FLAIRS 2025   Special Track on Uncertain Reasoning at FLAIRS-38
SOMET 2025   24th International Conference on Intelligent Software Methodologies Tools and Techniques
ECMLG 2025   21st European Conference on Management Leadership and Governance
JELIA 2025   19th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence
CRM 2025   3rd Congress on Control, Robotics, and Mechatronics
MFCS 2025   Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
ICMLSC 2025   9th International Conference on Machine Learning and Soft Computing
IJGTT 2025   International Journal of Game Theory and Technology