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ISMAR 2012 : The 11th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality


Conference Series : International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality
When Nov 5, 2012 - Nov 8, 2012
Where Atlanta, USA
Abstract Registration Due May 18, 2012
Submission Deadline May 25, 2012
Notification Due Aug 8, 2012
Final Version Due Sep 7, 2012
Categories    augmented reality   human computer interaction   computer vision   computer graphics

Call For Papers

ISMAR 2012

Call for Participation
The 11th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality
Nov 5 - 8, 2012, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA

The fields of Mixed Reality (MR) and Augmented Reality (AR) seek to
interactively mix virtual media with a person’s perception of the physical
world around them. Whether interactively combining physical and virtual
objects and environments in 3D, or reacting to location or other aspects of a
users context, these paradigms enable fascinating new types of user
interfaces, and are beginning to show significant impact on industry and

This year we are proud to present the 11th IEEE International Symposium on
Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2012). The symposium will be held on Nov. 5
- 8, 2012 at Georgia Tech in Atlanta, USA.

* ISMAR 2012 now invites contributions to a range of categories: *

- Papers and Posters to the Science & Technology (S&T) program
- Papers and Posters to the Arts, Media and Humanities (AMH) program
- Innovation Workshops
- Informative Tutorials
- Demonstrations
- Art Exhibits
- Tracking Competition

* Science and Technology Program: *

The field of Mixed and Augmented Reality is highly interdisciplinary, ranging
from human centered research into user interfaces, interaction techniques,
education, design, human factors, wearable computing and mobile computing,
through to more technology oriented research including computer graphics,
display technology, computer vision, sensors, signal processing and computer
networking. We invite contributions in all categories relating to, but not
limited to, MR/AR aspects of:

- Sensors
- Information presentation
- User interaction
- System architecture
- Human factors
- MR/AR Applications

* Arts, Media & Humanities Program: *

The 2012 ISMAR Arts, Media and Humanities (AMH) program invites artists,
designers, and scholars to explore the potential of Mixed and Augmented
Reality. Artists and designers are invited to present and contextualize
creative work in MR or AR media forms and to reflect on the place of these
technologies in various fields of art and design. Scholars are invited to
present work that analyzes or critiques AR/MR in the contexts of current
social forms or the history of art and media. We invite contributions in all
categories in relation to, but not limited to:

- Media art, Performing arts, Art History, Architecture, Urban design,
Game and toys, Cultural Heritage, Social media

- Media Studies, Cultural Studies, Literary Studies, Game Studies,
Practitioner Case Studies, Design research, Communications

* Important Deadlines *

Paper and Poster Abstracts - ** Required **: May 18, 23:59 US Pacific Time
Paper and Poster Submission : May 25, 23:59 US Pacific Time
Notification for Papers and Posters: Aug 8
Camera-ready copy: Sept 7

Workshop Proposals : April 10
Tutorial & Panel Proposals : June 15
Demonstrations : August 10
Art Exhibits: August 10
Tracking Competition: TBA

* Further Information & Contact *

For detailed information on topics, submission and formatting, visit the
website at

If you have further questions, feel free to email, or contact
the general chairs.

General chairs:
Blair MacIntyre, Georgia Tech
Greg Welch, University of Central Florida

Related Resources

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