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MDPI AG - Energies 2012 : Special Issue: Energy Efficient Buildings and Green Buildings - Energies (ISSN 1996-1073)


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Oct 31, 2012
Categories    building energy conservation   sustainable design   indoor environment   carbon tracking in buildings

Call For Papers

Dear colleagues,

The following Special Issue will be published in Energies
(, ISSN 1996-1073), and is now
open to receive submissions of full research papers and comprehensive
review articles for peer-review and possible publication:

Special Issue: Energy Efficient Buildings and Green Buildings
Guest Editor: Dr. Chi-Ming Lai
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 October 2012

Topics of interest for this Issue include, but are not limited to:

* building energy demands and consumption
* building energy conservation
* application of renewable energies in buildings
* energy efficient buildings
* green building design
* bioclimatic building
* sustainable design
* smart living space
* typology of green building
* persuasion and co-creation of green building living
* life cycle assessment
* adaptive opportunity
* carbon tracking in buildings
* indoor environment
* sustainability in building construction
* new materials in building and their impact on energy demands
* new materials in building and their impact on the ecological environment

You may send your manuscript now or up until the deadline.
Submitted papers should not have been published previously, nor be under
consideration for publication elsewhere. We also encourage authors to send
us their tentative title and short abstract by e-mail for approval to the
Editorial Office at

This Special Issue will be fully open access. Open access (unlimited and
free access by readers) increases publicity and promotes more frequent
citations as indicated by several studies. Open access is supported by the
authors and their institutes. More information is available at

The Article Processing Charges (APC) are of 1000 CHF for well prepared
manuscripts submitted before 1 July 2012. The APC for manuscripts
submitted from 1 July 2012 onwards are 1200 CHF per accepted paper.
For details see:

Please visit the Instructions for Authors before submitting a manuscript: Manuscripts should be
submitted through the online manuscript submission and editorial system at

Energies, an open access journal publishing related scientific research,
technological developments, engineering, and studies in policy and
management, is published by MDPI online monthly. The journal Energies is
abstracted and indexed by Chemical Abstracts (CAS), COMPENDEX,
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), the Science Citation Index
Expanded, Google Scholar, INSPEC, Open-J-Gate and Scopus. The first
impact factor of Energies released in 2011 is 1.130.

MDPI publishes several peer-reviewed, open access journals listed at The Editorial Board members, including several
Nobel Laureates (, are all leading
active scholars. All MDPI journals maintain rapid, yet rigorous, peer-
review, manuscript handling and editorial processes. MDPI journals have
increased their impact factors, see "2010 Newly Released Impact Factors",

In case of questions, please contact the Editorial Office at:

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

On behalf of the Guest Editor

Dr. Chi-Ming Lai
Energy and Green Building Technology Lab.
Department of Civil Engineering
National Cheng-Kung University
1, University Road
Tainan City, 701

Kandererstrasse 25
CH-4057 Basel, Switzerland
Tel. +41 61 683 77 34
Fax: +41 61 302 89 18

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