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USEC 2014 : NDSS Workshop on Usable Security


When Feb 23, 2014 - Feb 23, 2014
Where NDSS San Diego, California.
Submission Deadline Dec 13, 2013
Notification Due Jan 18, 2014
Final Version Due Jan 26, 2014
Categories    security   usability   human computer interaction   privacy

Call For Papers

USEC'14 - Workshop on Usable Security @ NDSS'14

USEC'14 will be held on the 23rd February 2014 co-located with NDSS'14
San Diego, California.

Many aspects of information security combine technical and human factors. If a highly secure system is unusable, users will try to circumvent the system or move entirely to less secure but more usable systems. Problems with usability are a major contributor to many high-profile security failures today.

However, usable security is not well-aligned with traditional usability for three reasons. First, security is rarely the desired goal of the individual. In fact, security is usually orthogonal and often in opposition to the actual goal. Second, security information is about risk and threats. Such communication is often unwelcome. Increasing unwelcome interaction is not a goal of usable design. Third, since individuals must trust their machines to implement their desired tasks, risk communication itself may undermine the value of the networked interaction. For the individual, discrete technical problems are all understood under the rubric of online security (e.g., privacy from third parties use of personally identifiable information, malware). A broader conception of both security and usability is therefore needed for usable security.


The workshop on Usable Security invites submissions on all aspects of human factors and usability in the context of security and privacy. USEC'14 aims to bring together researchers already engaged in this interdisciplinary effort with other computer science researchers in areas such as visualization, artificial intelligence and theoretical computer science as well as researchers from other domains such as economics or psychology.

We invite authors to submit original papers describing research or experience in all areas of usable privacy and security. We particularly encourage collaborative research from authors in multiple fields.

Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Evaluation of usability issues of existing security & privacy models or technology
- Design and evaluation of new security & privacy models or technology
- Impact of organizational policy or procurement decisions
- Lessons learned from designing, deploying, managing or evaluating security & privacy technologies
- Foundations of usable security & privacy
- Methodology for usable security & privacy research
- Ethical, psychological, sociological and economic aspects of security & privacy technologies


- Reports of replicating previously published studies and experiments
- Reports of failed or negative usable security studies or experiments, with the focus on the lessons learned from such experience.
- Reports on deploying usable security & privacy technology in industry

It is the aim of USEC to increase the scientific quality of usable security and privacy research. To this end we encourage the use of replication studies to validate research findings. This important and often very insightful branch of research is sorely underrepresented in usable security and privacy research to date. Papers in these categories should be clearly marked as such and will not be judged against regular submissions on novelty. Rather they will be judged based on scientific quality and value to the community. Please contact the chairs in advance of submitting such work.


Serge Egelman, UC Berkeley


Submission site:
Submissions deadline: 6th of November 2013
Notification: 5th January 2014
Camera ready: 15th January 2014


Matthew Smith (LUH) and David Wagner (UC Berkeley)


Marian Harbach (LUH)


Alessandro Acquisti, CMU Heinz College
Andrew A. Adams, Meiji University, Tokyo
Ross Anderson, University of Cambridge
Pamela Briggs, Northumbria University
Dirk Balfanz, Google
Lorrie Faith Cranor, CMU
Sunny Consolvo, Google
Alexander De Luca, LMU
Serge Egelman, UC Berkeley
Sascha Fahl, LUH
Neil Gandal, Tel Aviv University
Peter Gutmann, University of Auckland
Seda Gürses, K.U. Leuven
Tiffany Hyun-Jin Kim, CMU
Maritza Johnson, Facebook
Yoshi Kohno, University of Washington
Sameer Patil, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology
Andrew Patrick, Carleton University
Rob Reeder, Google
Hovav Shacham, UC San Diego
Sara Sinclair, Google
Douglas Stebila, Queensland University of Technology
Kami Vaniea, Michigan State University
Eugene Y. Vasserman, Kansas State University
Rick Wash, Michigan State University

Related Resources

Security 2025   Special Issue on Recent Advances in Security, Privacy, and Trust
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CCS 2025   ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2024 (round 2)
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ESORICS 2025   European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (round 2)
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