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ISI 2013 : 13th International Symposium of Information Science


When Mar 19, 2013 - Mar 22, 2013
Where Potsdam, Germany
Submission Deadline Oct 29, 2012
Categories    information science   information retrieval   web science   digital libraries

Call For Papers

Information Science between Virtual Infrastructure and Material Lifeworlds

The 13th International Symposium of Information Science (ISI) will be held against a background of accelerated change processes in both academic and day by day lifeworlds.
In view of these developments, and following the shift toward “Information Seeking and Retrieval in Context” discussed at the last conference, the information sciences have sought to integrate further paradigms and academic approaches, for example incorporating action und cognitive science in the so-called practice turn. The biennial conference this time seeks to explore the bridging between traditional computer science topics and new approaches from interface design, activity theory and cognitive science.

Contributions should be uploaded in electronic form using our conference tool.

Important information for authors:

Submission in electronic form (MS Word/RTF-Format, ODT) anonymous for reviewing process
Style sheet (dot) for MS Word
Guideline (MS Word-template) for submissions
Call for Papers (English, pdf text file)
Conference Management Tool (Upload Contributions)

Papers are welcome topics including those listed below:

Information science

New definitions / How necessary is Information Science?
Metadata vs. Index / Information Retrieval
Information Science vs. Web Science
Virtual Infrastructure

Information Analytics
Information Engineering
VRE (Virtual Research Environments)
Digital Libraries
Material Lifeworlds

Information Competence
Information Didactics / Media Didactics
Practice Turn in Information Science
I-Commerce / Digital Commerce
Note: Submissions should be placed in the context of one of the three main topics. The programme committee reserves the right to decide the final allocation of submissions to topics.

Alongside the key topic areas, papers may focus on other fields of information science and related disciplines such as computer science, economics, business, law, political science, psychology or linguistics. The programme committee also encourages international contributions and participants from other countries in order to promote discussion beyond the German-speaking world. The conference languages are German and English.

Submissions can be made in the following forms. Additional submission options for undergraduate students and doctoral students are planned:

Long papers (max. 12 pages)
Short papers (max. 5 pages)
Posters (max. 2 pages)
Panel suggestions (max. 2 pages, incl. naming of a panel chair, participants and a topic plan)
Student presentations
Doctoral thesis presentations
Alongside these submission options there is a special call for papers to be submitted for the Gerhard Lustig Prize.

1. and 2. Long papers/Short papers
Papers must be submitted for approval in German or English and be original work. Proposed submission will be considered by at least two members of the programme committee. Format guidelines for the papers are available at or can be sent on request (

Deadline for the submission of long or short papers: 29th of October 2012. Notification of acceptance: Mid-December 2012. Deadline for the submission of revised manuscripts: 21st of January 2013. Papers must be submitted online.

3. Poster Exhibition
In addition to the presentation of papers, it is possible to display A0 posters in portrait orientation in the foyer of the lecture theatre building featuring research and development plans for discussion. A text not longer than 2 pages formatted according to the ISI 2013 format template must also be submitted to complement the poster. This will be considered by the programme committee and can upon approval be included in the conference proceedings.

Deadline for the submission of posters: 12th of November 2013. Notification of acceptance of posters: Mid-December 2012. Deadline for the submission of revised posters: 21st of January 2013. Poster chair: Prof. Dr Vivien Petras (

4. Panel Suggestions
We provide the opportunity to submit suggestions for a panel which should include a panel chair, title and topics. Panel discussions should generally last 1.5 hours. The total number of panels is limited according to the length of the session.

Deadline for the submission of panel suggestions: 29th of October 2012. Notification of acceptance of panels: Mid-December 2012. Contact person: Prof. Dr Christa Womser-Hacker ( or Prof. Dr. Hans-Christoph Hobohm (

5. Student Presentations
A programme of student sessions will be organised by students of the information sciences. We offer students of information science and related disciplines the chance to present their views, work, projects or works in progress on the topic of Information Sciences between Virtual Infrastructure and Material Lifeworlds.

Design either a presentation (approx. 10-15 min) or a poster to present your ideas. Proposals (sketches, 2-3 pages) can be submitted until the 29th of October 2012.

Notification will be sent by mid-December 2012. Deadline for the submission of a full-length version (max. 5 pages) for inclusion in the conference proceedings: 21st of January 2013. We can gladly offer help with questions or organisational issues.
Contact for the student programme: Frau Hanna Knäusl ( and Lea Schubart (

6. Doctoral Thesis Presentations
A programme of short presentations detailing current doctoral theses will again feature at the symposium.

Presentation format: Poster session for doctoral students with the opportunity to discuss and briefly present during a session set aside for doctoral students (presentations 10-15 min).

Submission: Posters and sketches about the doctoral thesis should be max. 5 pages long and be formatted according to the ISI 2013 format template. The poster can be attached as a .pdf document.
Submission deadline: 3rd of December 2012. Chair of the doctoral students’ workshop: Prof. Dr Christian Wolff (

Gerhard Lustig Prize
The participating theses (either undergraduate or doctoral) are proposed by their supervising professors. A jury from the HI will select approx. six theses from those submitted for presentation and detailed evaluation at the ISI 2013.
All institutions with study programmes relating to the information sciences (in the broader sense) are invited to submit theses for the Best Student Award.
One entry may be submitted per institution.

Submission deadline: 12th of November 2012. Notification will be given by the start of February 2013. Chair of the Gerhard Lustig Prize (Best Student Paper Award): Prof. Dr Wolfgang Semar (

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