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MDWE 2012 : Call For Papers: 8th Model-Driven and Agile Web Engineering - MDWE 2012 at ICWE 2012


When Jul 23, 2012 - Jul 23, 2012
Where Berlin, Germany
Submission Deadline May 25, 2012
Notification Due Jun 15, 2012
Final Version Due Jun 29, 2012
Categories    model-driven   agile   web engineering

Call For Papers

LATEST NEWS!!! - EXTENDED Deadline Submission to May 25

* 8th Model-Driven Web Engineering (MDWE'2012)
* FUTURE of the Web Development: MODEL-DRIVEN or AGILE?
* Workshop at ICWE'2012

Web Engineering is a specific domain in which systematic development is needed and therefore approaches such
as model-driven and agile development can be successfully applied. Existing model-based Web engineering approaches
already provide excellent methods and tools for the design and development of most kinds of Web applications.
They address different concerns using separate models (navigation, presentation, workflows, etc.) and come with model compilers that produce most of the applications Web pages and logic based on these models. In practice, however, most of these Web Engineering proposals do not fully exploit all the potential benefits of Model-driven Engineering (MDE), such as complete platform independence, metamodeling, and model transformations.
The MDE paradigm offers advantages such as technology independent models and (partially) automatic generation of applications, but also well-known problems as maintenance of the models. Thus, there are defenders of MDE and also defenders of alternative paradigms such as agile development processes. We want to raise a lively and constructive discussion on pro and cons, and how in practice we can benefit from both, a MDE and an agile development process.
Following the Internet trends, we want to focus the workshop on two main topics and how MDE and/or an agile process could help in the development, evolution and maintainability in particular of:
• Social Web and social enterprise apps
• Multi-device, mobile and rich Web applications (RIAs)


Both academia and industry are invited to submit papers about any of the following topics of interest:

* MDE in the context of Web application development
* Combining MDE with Agile Development Processes (e.g., Scrum, eXtreme Programming, Lean etc.) in the Web context
* Problems or limitations of MDE and Agile Development in the Web Engineering domain
* Using an Agile Modeling approach (e.g. Agile Model-driven Development (AMDD) or Agile Unified Process (AUP)) in the Web context
* Other software engineering approaches (e.g., product line engineering, aspect-oriented development, etc) for the development of Web systems
* Metamodels for model-driven approaches used for (rich) Web applications development
* Domain specific modeling languages for Web Engineering
* Model-driven tools and frameworks for supporting Web development
* Patterns in the design and implementation of Web applications
* Web systems software architecture modeling in MDE approaches
* Model executability for (rich) Web applications (code generation vs. interpretation)
* Model-to-model and model-to-code transformations for (rich) Web applications development; quick prototyping and early customer feedback
* Model-driven analysis of Web applications, including quality, performance or reliability analysis conducted using high-level models of the applications
* Maintenance, evolution and management of model-driven generated and Agile developed Web systems
* Use and specification of semantic Web-based approaches applying model-driven techniques
* Integration of MDE practices with requirements engineering approaches for the Web
* Industrial experiences of Model-driven and Agile Web development
* Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the impact of MDE and Agile practices in Web development (efficiency, effectiveness, productivity, understandability, …)
* MDE and sustainability on the Web
* MDE and software engineering education on the Web
* Testing modeling and quality of code analysis in MDE tools for the Web
* Usability and satisfaction of use in MDE tools for and on the Web
* Approaches to combined Web development (partial code generation with partial hard-written code)
* Model-driven reverse engineering and re-engineering of Web applications
* Domain-driven design of Web applications
* Traceability in model-driven and agile approaches for the Web
* Modeling and executability of secure Web applications


The following categories of submissions will be accepted:

• Full papers oriented to present elaborated research results. They should be not more than 15 pages long in LNCS format.
• Short papers oriented to briefly present research results or ongoing work. They should have a max. length of 8 pages in LNCS format.
• Demo papers oriented to present new CASE tools. They should be not more than 6 pages long in LNCS format.
• Position papers oriented to present the topics a researcher is currently working on. They should not exceed 2 pages. Papers in this category will not be published.

A selection of full and short papers will be published - as in previous editions of ICWE - in the workshop proceedings that will appear as post-proceeding in the Springer LNCS series and be mailed to the corresponding author of the published papers.
An editorial board of an international journal will be contacted in order to publish an extended version of a selected subset of the accepted papers.

Each published paper requires at least one full registration to the workshop.


Extended Paper submission May 25, 2012
Notification of acceptance June 15, 2012
Camera-ready version due June 29, 2012
MDWE'2012 Workshop will take place at ICWE'2012 (July 23 or July 24)

For submissions authors should use the MDWE 2012 site at the EasyChair system.


* Nora Koch Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen and NTTDATA, Germany
* Marco Brambilla Politecnico di Milano, Italy
* Santiago Melia Universidad de Alicante, Spain


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