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TICAM 2018 : International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Amazigh


When Nov 26, 2018 - Nov 27, 2018
Where Rabat, Morocco
Submission Deadline Jun 30, 2018
Notification Due Sep 15, 2018
Final Version Due Sep 30, 2018
Categories    NLP   e-learning    less resourced languages   amazigh language

Call For Papers

Aims and scope

The computerization of languages is a strategic issue associated with the rise of information and communication technologies. Supported by IT, the globalization of trade, the dematerialization of information and increased communications are likely to irrevocably change the status of languages in the world. In fact, languages that do not have automatic language processing software will no longer be able to aspire to be vehicular languages in the fields of science, technology and business. This dimension of the language industries requires in particular to guarantee the availability of linguistic resources (terminologies, dictionaries, grammars) allowing the realization of industrial applications.
The Moroccan linguistic situation is characterized by the coexistence of several languages, which gives Morocco the status of a multilingual state (Boukous 2018, Ruiter & Ziamari 2015, Fassi Fehri2013, Messaoudi 2013). Furthermore, Morocco has made progress in its language policy incorporated in the new constitution of 2011, which specified the status of languages in use. At the same time, the process of computerization of these languages has developed around four axes: support for the development of linguistic resources, support for the development of pilot linguistic resources, support for the supply of products and applications, support for the supply of products and services, and accompanying actions.
In this context, the International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Amazigh (TICAM), organized by the Center of Computer Studies Information Systems and Communication, is devoted to a reflection, whose goal is not limited to bringing together researchers in natural language processing, polyvalent practitioners and academics working on languages, but also to allow the rest of the community to be aware of the issues and difficulties hindering the computerization of languages.
In its 8th edition, TICAM will revolve around the following axes:
- State of the art and needs in the field of less endowed languages
- Scientific approaches: linguistic and automatic processing
- Resources and corpus: production, standardization and archiving
- Tools for language processing
- Feedback

Participants are invited to submit original papers in the domain of information and communication technology applied to natural languages, which is included in the (non-exhaustive) list of the following topics:
- Reflection on the computerization of les resourced languages
- Tifinagh’ graph
- Language processing standards
- Learning and teaching mediated by technology
- Linguistic resources and tools (written / oral)
- Retrieval and extraction of information
- Optical character recognition
- Location and multilingualism
- Web and mobile development
- Serious games

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