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Link: http://isd.ktu.lt/icist2012/ | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
Call for Papers
ICIST 2012 http://isd.ktu.lt/ICIST2012 18th International Conference on Information and Software Technologies September 13th – 14th, 2012, Kaunas, Lithuania ICIST 2012 Proceedings will be published as a volume of Springer-Verlag CCIS (Communications in Computer and Information Science) series.CCIS is abstracted/indexed in ISI Proceedings and Scopus. Overview and Aim ICIST Conference (formerly known as the IT Conference) is hosted by the biggest technical university in the Baltic States – Kaunas University of Technology. First organized as part of "Lithuanian Science and Industry" conference series in 1995, in Kaunas, Lithuania, the event turned international in 2008 immediately attracting attention from academicians from all over the world. In 2012, another page was turned as Springer have agreed to become exclusive publishers of the Conference Proceedings. Thematically the 2012 iteration of the Conference aims to maintain the focus on the promotion of multidisciplinary approaches and methods designed to further simplify the convergence of social and IT requirements as well as accompanying technologies. To further encourage such convergence, full length advanced industrial tutorials on Software Development Practices by well-known practitioners will be staged for the third time during the conference. We kindly invite our old academic friends as well as new contributors to join the debate sharing the knowledge on system analysis and design, hardware and computer networks as well as other relevant topics. Relevant Topics * * Ontology, Conceptual Modelling and Databases * Ontology and Conceptual Modelling Data * Modelling and Database Design * Quality of Models and Modelling Languages * Advanced Databases (Web, Multimedia, Temporal, Spatial, etc.) * Integrating Heterogeneous Data Sources * Distributed Databases * Database Security and Transaction Support * Data Warehouses and OLAP * Business Process Modelling, Analysis and Design * Business Process Modelling (methods, tools and technologies) * Business Process and Workflow Management * Business Process Management and IS Integration * Business Process Re-engineering and Optimization * Requirements Engineering and Business Rules * Business Rules Modelling and Tools * Business Rules in Information Systems * Advances in Requirements Engineering * Information and Software Systems Engineering * Systems Engineering Methodologies * Model-driven Development * Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Agents * Component-Based Development * Distributed, Mobile, and Open Architectures * Semantic Web Engineering * Software Quality, Testing, Verification and Validation * CASE Tools for Software Development * Security and Trust * Interoperability of Enterprises and Information Systems * Information Technology Applications * E-Government and Public Sector * Enterprise Systems (ERP, SCM, CRM) * Workflow Management * Web Information systems * Medicine and Health Care * Language Engineering * Geographical Information Systems * Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering * Artificial Intelligence Applications * Decision Support Systems * Natural Language Processing * Intelligent Social Agents and Distributed Artificial Intelligence Applications * Agent Oriented Modelling and Development * Web and Enterprise Knowledge Management * Knowledge-based Systems Engineering * Business Intelligence * Warehouses and Data Mining * Formal Analysis and Design Methods * Formal Systems Modelling and Simulation * Formal Verification and Validation * Applied Numerical Analysis * IT in Teaching and Learning * Computer-based Learning * Distance Education * Hardware and Computer Networks * Computer Networks Design and Management * Chip Design and Testing * GSM based solutions for objects localization Case studies, experience reports and industrial problem statements are particularly encouraged. Submission Contributions are limited to the research papers. The paper’s size should not exceed 5000 words and 15 pages. All accepted submissions will be published. However, the separate tome of selected papers will be published as a volume of Springer-Verlag CCIS series (http://www.springer.com/series/7899). CCIS is indexed in ISI Proceedings and Scopus. Conference proceedings are rated as Level 1 periodical publication in Norwegian system. Other accepted papers will be published in a separate volume as research communications. One of the authors of each paper accepted will have to register and present the paper at the conference. Submission will be handled electronically through the ICIST 2012 web site. Important Dates 10 04 2012 - Paper abstract registration deadline 20 04 2012 - Paper submission deadline 18 06 2012 - Acceptance notification 27 06 2012 - Print ready paper submission 13 09 2012 - Conference. Research Sessions 14 09 2012 - Conference. Industrial Tutorials Conference Organizers Department of Information Systems http://isd.ktu.lt/index_en.asp Informatics Faculty https://if.ktu.lt/index.php?page=faculty Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas, Lithuania http://en.ktu.lt Review Process The reviewing process of submitted papers will be double-blind. At least two members of the Program Committee will review each submission. Review will be handled electronically through the ICIST 2012 web site. Call for Papers ICIST 2012 http://isd.ktu.lt/ICIST2012 18th International Conference on Information and Software Technologies September 13th – 14th, 2012, Kaunas, Lithuania Conference Venue The Conference will be held at Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas, Lithuania. Kaunas with only 360 thousand inhabitants is nevertheless one of the most significant cities of Lithuania. It is not only a city of old traditions, but also a large centre of business and industry. It can also lay claim to be a town of young people with over 40,000 students studying at one of eleven universities here. Kaunas was always fated to play an important historical and cultural role in Lithuania. In 1408, Magdeburg rights were granted to the city of Kaunas by the privilege of Vytautas the Great. During the early 20th century Kaunas was the home of the Lithuanian Government and the capital of state. However, history tells us that even before this date, the city, situated at the confluence of the rivers Neris and Nemunas, experienced many periods of great prosperity and national importance. It's hard to name the single most famous feature of Kaunas. From the historic 13th century Kaunas Castle to the romantic City Hall Square, from the macabre Devils' Museum to the galleries of art varying from classic to avant-garde - Kaunas offers something for everybody. The cosy and enigmatic Old Town of Kaunas extends into a vibrant Laisves avenue, where visitors can enjoy the mix of modern and traditional shops, cafes and bars. Also basketball is synonymous with Kaunas not only because we held the very first official basketball game in Lithuania in 1922, but also because of the famous Zalgiris team and its international superstar Arvydas Sabonis. Conference Fees Early-bird prices (Paid until August 27): -Full conference package (September 13-14) *Participant (non-discounted) 300 EUR *PC member 250 EUR *Bachelor’s or Master’s Student 200 EUR -Fee for non-presenters (September 13-14) *Participant (non-discounted) 200 EUR *PC member 150 EUR *Bachelor’s or Master’s Student 100 EUR -Fee for participation in the industrial tutorials only (September 14) *Participant (non-discounted) 100 EUR *PC member 100 EUR *Bachelor’s or Master’s Student 100 EUR Regular prices (Paid after August 27) -Full conference package (September 13-14) *Participant (non-discounted) 350 EUR *PC member 300 EUR *Bachelor’s or Master’s Student 250 EUR -Fee for non-presenters (September 13-14) *Participant (non-discounted) 250 EUR *PC member 200 EUR *Bachelor’s or Master’s Student 150 EUR -Fee for participation in the industrial tutorials only (September 14) *Participant (non-discounted) 150 EUR *PC member 150 EUR *Bachelor’s or Master’s Student 150 EUR Fees for presenters and non-preseters include: - attendance at all sessions and industrial tutorials, - copy of both conference proceedings, - conference materials, - refreshments during breaks, - tickets for social events: 2 lunches, an official dinner; Industrial tutorials package: - attendance at all tutorials sessions, - tutorials materials, - lunch and refreshments during breaks. In case that more than one paper is authored and presented by the same participant, the fee for second paper is 100 EUR. Fee for accompanying person in social event is 60 EUR. It does not entitle to take part in the conference itself. Prices for additional copies of conference proceedings: * additional copy of proceedings (CCIS series book) - 50 EUR, * additional copy of research communications with ISSN - 30 EUR. Program Committee Rimantas Butleris, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania (General Chair) Vasiu Radu Adrian, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania Jan Aidemark, Vaxio University, Sweden Vassil Alexandrov, University of Reading, United Kingdom Eduard Babkin, Higher School of Economics, Russia Rimantas Barauskas, University of Technology, Lithuania Joerg Becker, University of Muenster, Germany J. A. Rodrigue Blais, University of Calgary, Canada Bernd Blobel, University of Regensburg, Germany Eduardas Bareisa, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania Albertas Caplinskas, Vilnius University, Lithuania Sven Carlsson, Lund University, Sweden Joanna Chimiak-Opoka, University of Innsbruck, Austria Boris Cogan, London Metropoliatan University, Faculty of Computing, UK Vitalij Denisov, Klaipeda University, Lithuania Kiss Ferenc, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary Hamido Fujita, Iwate Prefectural University, Japan Anna Grabowska, PRO-MED Co Ltd, Poland Saulius Gudas, Vilnius University, Lithuania Remigijus Gustas, Karlstad University, Sweden Vladimir Hahanov, Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics, Ukraine Alvydas Jaliniauskas, SubscriberMail LLC, USA Raimundas Jasinevicius, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania Andras Javor, McLeod Institute of Simulation Sciences, Hungary Hai Jin, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China Egidijus Kazanavicius, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania Marite Kirikova, Riga Technical University, Latvia Jerzy Korczak, Wroclaw University of Economics, Poland Tsvetanka Kovacheva, Technical University Varna, Bulgaria Dieter Kranzlmueller, Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich, Germany Rob Mark, Queens's University Belfast, Northern Ireland Raimundas Matulevicius, University of Tartu, Estonia Arturas Mazeika, Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Germany Pramod Kumar Meher, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore Lina Nemuraite, Kaunas University of Technology Jyrki Nummenmaa, University of Tampere, Finland Toshio Okamoto, University of Electro-Communications, Japan Stephan Olariu, Old Dominion University, USA Tero Paivarinta, Agder University, Norway Algirdas Pakstas, London Metropolitan University, UK Marcin Paprzycki, Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Science, Poland Michael Petit, University of Namur, Belgium Henrikas Pranevicius, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania Abhijit Ray, ST Electronics (Training & Simulation Systems) Pte Ltd, Singapore Dalius Rubliauskas, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania Giedre Sabaliauskaite, Lund University, Sweden Marco Sajeva, Palermo University, Italy Rimantas Seinauskas, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania Darius Silingas, No Magic Europe, Lithuania Kulwinder Singh, University of Calgary, Canada Ilmars Slaidins, Riga Technical University, Latvia Janis Stirna, Stockholm University, Sweden Darijus Strasunskas, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway Giancarlo Succi, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy Laimutis Telksnys, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Lithuania Peter Thanisch, University of Tampere, Finland Babis Theodoulidis, University of Manchester, United Kingdom Sofia Tsekeridou, Athens Information Technology, Greece Raimund Ubar, Tallinn Technical University, Estonia Olegas Vasilecas, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania Benkt Wangler, University of Skovde, Sweden Stanislaw Wrycza, University of Gdansk, Poland Zheying Zhang, University of Tampere, Finland Antanas Zilinskas, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Lithuania |