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IEEE Auto-IoT 2015 : 2015 IEEE International Workshop on Automotive IoT (IEEE Auto-IoT 2015)


When Dec 14, 2015 - Dec 16, 2015
Where Milan
Submission Deadline Sep 18, 2015
Notification Due Oct 16, 2015
Final Version Due Oct 31, 2015
Categories    automotive   IOT

Call For Papers

2015 IEEE International Workshop on Automotive IoT (IEEE Auto-IoT 2015)
co-located with the 2015 IEEE World Forum on Internet-of-things (WF-IoT), 14 - 16 December 2015, Milan, Italy.
Organized by the IEEE IoT Initiative and the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS)


Submission site:

The future network infrastructure for vehicular environments will increase the pervasiveness of the Internet and the overall connectivity by integrating every “object” (e.g., passengers’ smart phones, vehicles’ sensors, infrastructures and external management platform) forming an intelligent vehicular transportation system. IoT supported by vehicular networks will be a key enabler for new geo-spatial information mapping communities. Using the advanced communication and sensor capabilities hosted by vehicles, these IoT communities have the potential to reach a wide range of objectives at more cost effective ways. Applications for such a promising combination of information production range from providing road safety and driver assistance, to mapping road status (e.g., road congestion status, road conditions and maintenance status), to estimating the 'greenens’ of various road segments.

Topics of interest
This workshop seeks original papers - not published or currently under review for another workshop, conference, or journal - in the area of automotive IoT, integrations of vehicular sensor networks with IoT and advanced communication and networking technologies applied in vehicular systems. The areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
*Connected vehicles, communications, networking and applications in IoT
*IoT for autonomous cars and driving systems
*IoT cloud computing and management platform for connected vehicles
*In-car electronics, embedded integration of wireless vehicular communications with IoT
*Mobile vehicular sensor networks
*Interworking with sensor network technologies
*Transportation cyber-physical networks
*Mobility for IoT
*RF technologies, antenna design, physical layer and propagation models
*Spectrum, radio resource and interference management
*Intra/Inter-vehicle communications.
*Wireless enabled intelligent transportation systems
*Applications (Telematics, Ecall, toll collection, traffic information, wireless diagnosis, etc.)
*Vehicular social networks in IoT
*Architecture, networking protocols, QoS and cross-layer optimization design
*Security, liability and privacy
*Standards development, business models and policies
*Testbeds and simulation platforms
*Field trials and deployments

Authors are encouraged to submit full length papers (suggested size is four pages; papers up to six pages will be accepted) following the submission guidelines provided at Papers will be fully peer reviewed and, accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings and also be submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore digital library.
Extended versions of selected papers may be considered for publication in IEEE IoT Journal.

Important Dates
Paper Submission Deadline: 18 September 2015
Notification of acceptance: 16 October 2015
Camera-ready papers due: 31 October 2015

General Co-Chairs:
- Zhengguo Sheng, University of Sussex, UK (email:
- Abbas Jamalipour, University of Sydney, Australia

Technical Program Co-Chairs:
- Alexey Vinel, Halmstad University, Sweden
- Giuseppe Ruggeri, University of Reggio Calabria, Italy
- Gaurav Bansal, Toyota InfoTechnology Center, USA

Local Chair:
- Vincenzo Piuri, Milan University, Italy

Publicity Chair:
- Andreas Pressas, University of Sussex, UK

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