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IEEE SCI 2017 : Call for Work-in-Progress (WiP) Papers and Call for Poster & Demo (P&D) Papers


When Aug 4, 2017 - Aug 8, 2017
Where San Francisco Bay, California, USA
Submission Deadline Apr 25, 2017
Notification Due May 10, 2017
Final Version Due Jun 10, 2017
Categories    smart cities   big data   IOT   cloud computing

Call For Papers


Call for WORK-IN-PROGRESS (WiP) Papers

The 2017 IEEE International Conference on Smart City Innovations
(IEEE SCI 2017)

August 4-8, 2017
San Francisco Bay, California, USA

*** WiP SUBMISSION DEADLINE: April 10, 2017 ***
Extended to April 25, 2017 (Firm)

Conference Proceedings in IEEE Xplore


Building smart cities require multi-disciplinary teams composed of researchers
and practitioners working together to solve urban computing and smart city
service problems. Coping with emerging challenges in engineering diverse
complex cyber systems for smart cities requires the use of state-of-the-art
technologies and solutions in smart sensing/devices/materials, IoT, networking,
cloud computing, big data, and mobile cloud services, to build innovative smart
city services and application systems. IEEE Smart City Innovations(IEEE SCI 2017)
is set up to provide a unique platform for multi-disciplinary researchers and
teams, industry solution vendors, and government agencies to exchange innovative
ideas, challenges, research results and solutions, as well as project experience
reports and stories. IEEE SCI 2017 will include a highly selective program of
technical papers, accompanied by workshops, demos, panel discussions and keynote
speeches. We welcome Work-in-Progress (WiP) papers that describe original and
unpublished research on the real issues, challenges and needs in building smart
cities for now and future.

Submission Guidelines:

WiP papers may be no more than 6 pages in length, or at most 2 additional
pages with the pages overlength charge, including figures, tables, and

WiP papers are expected to present early or ongoing research activities.
Novel approaches and preliminary results are especially appreciated.

The submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by members of the IEEE SCI 2017
Technical Program Committee. All selected papers will be orally presented
in a special conference session. At least one author of each accepted paper
must register and attend the conference to present the work. The accepted
papers will be published in the conference proceedings by IEEE, and will
be included in the Digital Library in IEEE Xplore.

Authors are requested to submit original, unpublished manuscripts in
standard IEEE proceedings format in PDF. All submissions must be typeset
in double-column IEEE format using 10pt fonts on US letter paper, with
all fonts embedded. Submitted papers must include the contact information
of all the authors. Please make sure you use the latest version of the
templates to prepare your submissions. Due to the short interval between
the notification of acceptance and the camera-ready deadline, we strongly
encourage authors to follow the camera-ready formatting guidelines as
close as possible.

The IEEE LaTeX and Microsoft Word templates for conferences can be found
at IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings at

Submissions must be made via EasyChair:

When submitting, please select the appropriate Track for your paper
(i.e., WiP).

Best Work-in-Progress Paper Award
IEEE Smart World Congress will be offering an award recognizing the Best
Work-in-Progress Paper presented at the conference. During the Work-in-
Progress session, your paper will be reviewed by a judging panel selected
from the conference organizing and program committee. Your paper will be
judged based on the novelty, quality of research undertaken and clarity
of presentation. The Best Work-in-Progress Paper will receive an Award


Call for Poster & Demo (P&D) Papers

The 2017 IEEE International Conference on Smart City Innovations
(IEEE SCI 2017)

August 4-8, 2017
San Francisco Bay, California, USA

*** P&D SUBMISSION DEADLINE: April 10, 2017 ***
Extended to April 25, 2017 (Firm)

Conference Proceedings in IEEE Xplore


Building smart cities require multi-disciplinary teams composed of researchers
and practitioners working together to solve urban computing and smart city
service problems. Coping with emerging challenges in engineering diverse
complex cyber systems for smart cities requires the use of state-of-the-art
technologies and solutions in smart sensing/devices/materials, IoT, networking,
cloud computing, big data, and mobile cloud services, to build innovative smart
city services and application systems. IEEE Smart City Innovations(IEEE SCI 2017)
is set up to provide a unique platform for multi-disciplinary researchers and
teams, industry solution vendors, and government agencies to exchange innovative
ideas, challenges, research results and solutions, as well as project experience
reports and stories. IEEE SCI 2017 will include a highly selective program of
technical papers, accompanied by workshops, demos, panel discussions and keynote
speeches. We welcome Poster & Demo (P&D) papers that describe original and
unpublished research on the real issues, challenges and needs in building smart
cities for now and future.

IEEE SCI 2017 topics include but are not limited to the following:

Track 1: Smart Transportation
- Intelligent transportation systems and technologies
- Smart city transportation planning and evaluation
- Smart bike programs and assessments
- Transportation behavior analysis and prediction

Track 2: Smart Utilities
- Smart sewage and water
- Smart electricity, grids, meters
- City utility consumption and economic analysis

Track 3: Smart Public Health
- City healthcare service monitoring assessment
- Smart medical service systems and solutions
- City public health and management
- Smart medical and healthcare systems and tools

Track 4: Smart Public Safety
- City crime watching and alerting systems
- City emergency management and infrastructures
- City emergency alerting/responding/recovery

Track 5: Smart Social Services
- Smart food, shelter and public housing
- Smart recreation
- Smart education and training

Track 6: Smart Governance
- Smart city permit service systems and solutions
- Smart city IT connectivity management
- Smart city data management and warehouse
- Smart city network management and services

Track 7: Smart Communities and Neighborhoods
- Smart home and smart building
- Smart social community networks/infrastructures
- City community and association management
- Smart city community connectivity and solutions

Track 8: Smart Environment
- City environment monitoring and analysis
- Smart illegal dumping detection and monitoring
- City air/water/soil quality monitor and analytics

In addition, the conference will include technology-focused tracks, such as:
- Smart city networking & infrastructures
- Smart city sensing and IoT
- Smart city frameworks and platforms
- Smart city big data and open data
- Urban computing for smart city
- Smart city system security and privacy

Submission Guidelines

Presenters must submit a poster paper about their research and/or demos.
Each submission will be submitted as a short paper (up to 4 pages),
describing the related research work and/or associated demo system,
as well as the relevance and importance to smart technology, smart world,
smart cities, and smart systems. All of submissions will be reviewed by
a committee. If accepted, this poster paper will be published in the
proceedings of the conference.

Authors are requested to submit original, unpublished manuscripts in
standard IEEE proceedings format in PDF. All submissions must be typeset
in double-column IEEE format using 10pt fonts on US letter paper, with
all fonts embedded. Submitted papers must include the contact information
of all the authors. Please make sure you use the latest version of the
templates to prepare your submissions. Due to the short interval between
the notification of acceptance and the camera-ready deadline, we strongly
encourage authors to follow the camera-ready formatting guidelines as
close as possible.

The IEEE LaTeX and Microsoft Word templates for conferences can be found
at IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings at

Submissions must be made via EasyChair:

When submitting, please select the appropriate Track for your paper (i.e.,
Poster and Demo).

Detailed Instructions for Posters and Demos
The authors of selected posters will be allotted short speaking slots
to present their work at Poster Session. The authors will also present
their posters and talk one-on-one with the attendees in the poster
exhibition session. Please bring a poster of recommended size A1 (594mm
by 841mm, portrait) to the venue.

Best Poster Award
IEEE Smart World Congress will be offering an award recognizing the Best
research poster presented at the conference. During the poster session,
your poster will be reviewed by a judging panel selected from the
conference organizing and program committee. Your poster will be judged
based on the novelty, quality of research undertaken and clarity of
presentation. The Best Poster will receive an Award Certificate.


Paper submissions Deadline: April 25, 2017
Notification of Acceptance: May 10, 2017
Camera-ready Paper Due: June 10, 2017

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