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GI 2014 : Graphics Interface 2014


When May 7, 2014 - May 9, 2014
Where Montreal
Submission Deadline Dec 18, 2013
Notification Due Feb 20, 2014
Final Version Due Mar 3, 2014
Categories    computer graphics   human computer interaction   interactive systems

Call For Papers

Call for Papers

Graphics Interface (GI), May 7-9, 2014, will be held in Montreal, Quebec. This will be the 40th Graphics Interface conference. GI is the oldest continuously-scheduled conference in the field, and attracts high-quality papers on recent advances in interactive systems, human-computer interaction, and graphics, from around the world. GI 2014 will be held in conjunction with the Computer and Robot Vision 2014 and Artificial Intelligence 2014 conferences. Registration will permit attendees to attend any keynote or talk in the three conferences, which will be scheduled in parallel tracks. The conference will also include an awards banquet and a posters and demos session.

Accepted papers will be archived in the ACM Digital Library. The Michael A. J. Sweeney Award will be awarded at the conference to the best student papers in graphics and HCI. Authors of best papers and other selected papers will be invited to submit extended and revised manuscripts to be considered, with partial continuity of reviewing, for journal publication in a special section of Computers and Graphics.

All paper submissions are fully peer reviewed by at least two members of the program committee and two external reviewers. Papers have a maximum length of eight pages. If the contribution warrants it, a longer paper may be submitted; however, pages beyond eight are subject to page charges. Papers as short as four pages can be accepted.

Graphics Interface 2014 will have joint sessions for the graphics and HCI tracks. Topics of interest at GI include, but are not restricted to the following:

interaction techniques
novel user interfaces
quantitative and qualitative evaluations
computer-supported collaborative work
data and information visualization
haptic and tangible interfaces
assistive technologies
ubiquitous computing
usable security and privacy
aesthetic design
augmented reality
real-time rendering
image based techniques
computational photography and imaging
non-photo realistic rendering
modelling for fabrication
geometric modelling
medical visualization
scientific visualization
physically based animation
character animation
fluid simulation
virtual reality

Authors must request that their submissions be handled by either the graphics or HCI sub-committee. In exceptional cases where significant overlap exists, a submission may be reviewed by members of both sub-committees.

Summary of Deadlines

Papers submission: December 18, 2013, 11:59 pm PST
Author notification: February 20, 2014
Final papers due: March 3, 2014
Posters and demos submission: March 14, 2014, 11:59 pm PST
Poster notification: March 25, 2014

Program Co-Chairs

Paul G. Kry, Graphics Co-Chair, McGill University, kry [at] cs mcgill ca
Andrea Bunt, HCI Co-Chair, University of Manitoba, bunt [at] cs umanitoba ca

Program Committee

Anthony Tang, University of Calgary
Baining Guo, Microsoft Research Asia
Carl Gutwin, University of Saskatchewan
Chris Collins, University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Daniel Vogel, University of Waterloo
David Mould, Carleton University
Derek Nowrouzezahrai, University of Montreal
Emily Whiting, ETH Zürich
Eugene Fiume, University of Toronto
Ian Stavness , University of Saskatchewan
Jaime Ruiz, Colorado State University
Jim Young, University of Manitoba
Karan Singh, University of Toronto
Karyn Moffatt, McGill University
Kirstie Hawkey, Dalhousie University
Lennart Nacke, University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Lisa Anthony, University of Florida
Marie-Paule Cani, Grenoble Institute of Technology / INRIA
Manfred Lau, Lancaster University
Michael McGuffin, École de Technologie Supérieure
Michael Terry, University of Waterloo
Pierre Poulin, University of Montreal
Richard Zhang, Simon Fraser University
Scott Bateman, University of Prince Edward Island
Torsten Möller, University of Vienna

Related Resources

CVAI 2026   2026 International Symposium on Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence (CVAI 2026)
ICMIP 2025   SPIE--2025 10th International Conference on Multimedia and Image Processing (ICMIP 2025)
CGI 2025   The 42nd Computer Graphics International 2025
CVIT 2025   SPIE--2025 6th International Conference on Computer Vision and Information Technology (CVIT 2025)
ICMV 2025   SPIE--2025 18th International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2025)
PG 2025   Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications
WSCG 2025   International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics and Visualization
ICIPMC 2025   IEEE--2025 4th International Conference on Image Processing and Media Computing (ICIPMC 2025)
ACM ICCCV 2025   ACM--2025 The 7th International Conference on Control and Computer Vision (ICCCV 2025)
CGIP 2025   IEEE CPS--2025 3rd International Conference on Computer Graphics and Image Processing (CGIP 2025)