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ENERGY-SIM 2015 : Workshop on Energy-aware Simulation


When Aug 24, 2015 - Aug 26, 2015
Where Athens, Greece
Abstract Registration Due May 15, 2015
Submission Deadline May 22, 2015
Notification Due Jun 26, 2015
Final Version Due Jul 17, 2015
Categories    energy   simulation   green computing   sustainability

Call For Papers

ENERGY-SIM 2015 is an International workshop on energy-aware simulations held in collaboration with SIMUtools 2015. The workshop focuses on a broad range of research challenges in the area of energy-aware simulations. Where simulation tools and techniques are used in order to better understand and model environments which include the use of energy. Energy research is an interdisciplinary field covering (but not limited to) sciences, engineering and computing sciences, and we encourage papers with such interdisciplinary elements.

Topics of Interest
ENERGY-SIM topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

- Simulations for energy reduction: estimation of energy consumption, evaluation of techniques to reduce consumption
- Simulations for smart-grids: Simulation of micro- and macro-level energy generation and supply, simulation of smart-grid deployments
- Simulations of energy in computer systems: Data centre simulations, individual component simulations, multi-scale system simulation
- Simulations for energy in the internet of things: Simulation of internet of things systems including battery operated systems
- Performance and validation of energy-aware simulations: e.g. benchmarking and analytical results, empirical studies
- Theoretical foundations of energy-aware simulations: theoretical models for energy-aware simulations
- Energy-aware simulation packages and tools: Energy-aware simulation packages under development from the community

The workshop invites submissions on the topics above or any application related to energy-aware simulation. Submissions in interdisciplinary areas are especially encouraged.

Important Dates
Abstract deadline: Friday 15 May 2015 23:59 EST
Submission deadline: Friday 22 May 2015 23:59 EST
Author notification: Friday 26 June 2015
Camera-ready deadline: Friday 17 July 2015 23:59 EST
Workshop: 24-26 August 2015

Papers will be accepted in one of two formats:

- Short papers of work in progress, up to 4 pages in length
- Full papers, up to 8 pages in length

Papers describing significant research contributions of theoretical and/or practical nature are being solicited for submission. Authors are invited to submit original, high-quality papers presenting new research related to energy-aware simulations.

Papers must be written in English and must not exceed 8 pages (4 pages for a work in progress paper). Authors should submit papers via EasyChair in PDF format, complying with the ACM conference proceedings style. Submitted papers must not be under review or published (partially or completely) elsewhere. Every paper will be peer-reviewed by at least three reviewers. Papers will be assessed based on originality, correctness, relevance, and quality of writing. In exceptional circumstances (such as papers evidently out of scope) papers may not receive full-length reviews and may be rejected summarily. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register and present the work in person at the workshop.

The papers that are accepted and presented at the workshop will appear in electronic proceedings, in the ACM DL (pending approval) and available through EAI. It is intended that the best papers will be put forward for a Journal special edition post workshop.

Submission will be via the EasyChair website at:

Organising Committee
General Chair: Stephen McGough, Durham University, UK
Program Chair: Matt Forshaw, Newcastle University, UK

More information
For more information about the conference and author instructions please see the conference website:

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