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SIGITE 2022 : The 23rd ACM Conference on Information Technology Education


Conference Series : Conference on Information Technology Education
When Sep 21, 2022 - Sep 24, 2022
Where Chicago, USA
Submission Deadline Jul 1, 2022
Notification Due Aug 1, 2022
Final Version Due Aug 10, 2022
Categories    education   IT   CS   ACM

Call For Papers

All submissions will be made electronically and should use the ACM Templates. A PDF or Word document should be submitted for all types of submissions. All submissions can be electronically uploaded to the EasyChair service: Click here to submit on EasyChair. (link for submission:

Panel and workshop proposals should include author information, while all other submissions (papers, extended abstracts, and big ideas) should be anonymous, with all author information removed. Submissions must adhere to the page limits described below, and submissions that exceed the limits will be rejected without review. Authors must register for and attend the conference as specified below in order for their work to appear in the conference proceedings.

The Conference Committee has elected to move to the single column ACM template increasingly used for journals and proceedings. It is simpler to manage and easier to read. Because the words on each page are not as dense as the two column format, the number of pages of papers and other documents has changed, but the word counts will remain the same.

ACM Proceedings Single-Column Template:

LaTeX (use \documentclass[manuscript,review,anonymous]{acmart} in the sample-authordraft.tex file for single-column):
Overleaf, for collaborative authoring (use \documentclass[manuscript,review,anonymous]{acmart} for single-column):
MS Word:
Poster Templates:
We recommend use of templates from the Center for Open Science found at

Other Information

Submissions will be no longer than ten pages and will undergo a blind peer reviewing process. Authors will have approximately 30 minutes for their presentation, including the question and answer period. Accepted papers must be presented by at least one author and will be published in the conference proceedings. In some circumstances remote presentations of accepted papers may be possible.

This year, we have two tracks for the full paper submissions:

Experience Track: This track accepts experience in IT educations, the topics include but not limited to: experience reports, teaching techniques, pedagogical tools, curriculum design, IT curriculum standards, and so forth.
Research Track: The papers in this track are expected to discuss and evaluate methods to improve IT educations, the topics include but not limited to: novel and effective teaching methods, evaluation of pedagogical approaches, teaching and learning models, informal learning, online or distance learning, studies about the engagement in ITE, issues of gender, diversity, and underrepresentation, educational data mining, technology-enhanced learning, and so forth.
Panels allow experts to discuss a current topic of interest in information technology education or research. Panel organizers are responsible for selecting appropriate panelists to participate. A panel will normally have at most four panelists including the organizer. Panel submissions should include a list of panelists, their affiliations, a description of the topics, and a brief position statement from each panelist. All panelists are expected to attend the conference and participate in the panel. Panel proposals are limited to four pages and will be published in the conference proceedings.

Workshops allow presenters to provide a tutorial or hands-on exploration of a topic in which attendees are expected to actively participate. The workshop proposer is required to attend the conference. Workshop proposals are limited to four pages and will be published in the conference proceedings. Workshops are typically 90 minutes, however, you may specify that you would like your workshop to run for 2 back-to-back 90-minute sessions if desired.

Participants are invited to prepare big idea talks that present works that attempt to challenge traditional thinking and/or wherein authors are actively seeking feedback from the SIGITE community. Accepted talks will be presented in a session as a lightning talk where each author is given 10 minutes to present their big idea including feedback. In some circumstances remote presentations may be possible. Big idea talk proposals are limited to two pages. Accepted talks will be published in the conference proceedings.

Manuscripts considered Work in Progress (WiP) can be submitted as an extended abstract not longer than four pages. Extended abstracts will be reviewed by the program committee for inclusion in the conference proceedings and will be presented as posters during the conference itself. We especially encourage submissions from MS and PhD students who would like feedback on their research efforts. Topics not yet mature enough to warrant a full paper may also be submitted for presentation as a poster. Authors of accepted abstracts and posters will be asked to present their ideas in the form of a poster using the following guidelines.

Poster size should be 48” x 36” or less.
Author(s) name(s), institution(s) and funding source(s) should appear on the poster.
The title should be properly capitalized with a minimum font size of 80 points.
The text should be written with a minimum font size of 18 points.
Authors are encouraged to use a poster template. We recommend use of templates from the Center for Open Science found at
Boards and easels will be provided during the conference
Submission Schedule

Full paper, Panels, Workshops
Submission Due: July 1
Notification date: Aug 1

Lightning Talks/Extended Abstracts/Posters
Submission Due: Aug 4
Notification date: Aug 10

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