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QHR 2012 : 18th Qualitative Health Research (QHR) Conference


When Oct 23, 2012 - Oct 25, 2012
Where Montreal, PQ
Submission Deadline Jun 15, 2012
Categories    qualitative   research   health   nursing

Call For Papers

Deadline – June 15, 2012

The International Institute for Qualitative Methodology is pleased to announce that this year the 18th Annual Qualitative Health Research Conference will take place October 23 – 25, 2012 at the Marriott Chateau Champlain in beautiful Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

QHR is the premier international and interdisciplinary conference for the dissemination and discussion of developments in qualitative health research. Abstracts for oral, symposium, or poster presentations are invited from scholars engaged in qualitative research and are encouraged, although not required, to discuss topics that fall within the parameters of the conference theme. All conference papers will be peer reviewed, and we welcome presentations from scholars in a range of disciplines.

Abstracts are invited from scholars engaged in qualitative health research in such disciplines as public health, nursing, medicine, social work, psychology, sociology, information science, education, human ecology, anthropology, dentistry, physiotherapy, rehabilitation, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and many more!

• Moderated Poster Session
• Oral Presentation
• Symposia

CONFERENCE THEME: New Directions for Qualitative Health Research

Qualitative research is now a legitimate research enterprise in health research. Qualitative research plays an important role in much deductively driven health research, such as clinical trials, as awareness that experiential perspectives is a core dimension of investigating the effectiveness of health-related interventions. However, many qualitative researchers appear to remain content restricting their analysis to description or interpretation. In an environment that is driven largely by demands for demonstrable and effective outcomes, qualitative health research is at a critical junction. How can qualitative researchers find ways to conduct research on experience that can lead to changes in health care practice, policy and education? What new or alternative ways of conducting research on experience are required? What research collaborations are fundamental to the success of these new directions?

• Keynotes, symposia & oral presentations on ‘state of the art’ work from international researchers;
• New opportunities to present work and interact over poster presentations;
• Opportunities to learn and consolidate skills at conference workshops;
• A diverse international, interdisciplinary audience for your work

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