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BRC Symposium 2012 : Symposium on Turkey, European Union, Eurasia, Africa and Americas


When Nov 17, 2012 - Nov 17, 2012
Where London - SOAS
Abstract Registration Due Aug 15, 2012
Submission Deadline Oct 30, 2012
Final Version Due Oct 30, 2012
Categories    politics, eu   history, religion, nato   international relations   culture, security, turkey

Call For Papers


Symposium on Turkey, European Union, Eurasia, Africa and Americas
(17th November 2012, London)

Organized by Bosphorus Research Center (BRC)

Convenors: Kenan Aksu and Selim Meydan

Bosporus Research Center is inviting PhD students, academics and any other interested parties to join the symposium on Turkey, European Union, Eurasia, Africa and Americas. This symposium is organized around three broad themes concerning culture and society, economics and politics and Turkey centric works. We welcome papers from postgraduates, post-doctorate researchers, independent researchers, diplomats and journalists. Speakers are invited to speak for 15 to 20 minutes on one of the themes listed below.

Venue: School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS), Russell Square,
University of London, WC1H 0XG,

(Saturday, 17th November 2012 ----- 9:00 am-5:00 pm)

Please send your -up to 200 word- abstract to the convenors via 15th August 2012. If your paper is selected you will be informed via e-mail by 18 August 2012. Once you are chosen to present your work, BRC expects 3000-7000 word paper to be submitted by 1st November 2012. Selected papers will be published in an edited book as we have done with last years papers. Therefore, please don’t send us previously published work.

Culture and Society themes:
1. Historical and religious studies
2. Ethnicity, identity, human rights, women's issues, media, art and literature
3- Post modern colonialism
4-Ethnic conflicts and ethnic minority issues

Economic and Political themes:

1. European Union: enlargement, Islam and Europe, immigration, future of EU
2. Environmental problems, natural resources, energy security and water problems
3. International Politics and Middle East: Arab Spring, Turkey, Iran, Egypt and Israel
4. Security and intelligence issues: International terror, NATO, UN and UN Security Council

Turkey related themes:

1. Turkey’s relations with: EU, China, Russia, Central Asia, USA, Middle East, Turkic World, Africa and the Broader World
2. Turkey in the UN and NATO
3. Turkish government and politics

Abstract Submission Deadline: 15th August 2012

Please include: (1) Name of presenter (2) Academic position and institutional affiliation (3) Title of the paper (4) Abstract of no more than 200 words (5) Audio-visual equipment needs. BRC will provide accommodation for some speakers. Refreshments and lunch will be provided during the symposium. BRC symposiums are accessible for disabled people. Unfortunately we cannot help anyone with visa issues. Any questions can be forwarded to convenors via

Kenan Aksu and
Department of Politics, University of London, London,
United Kingdom

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